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Activities of "kwanp"

Any tutorial that i can learn how to implement Identity Server to use OpenID Connect protocol.

Thank you

what about if i want to share user login authen to other website on different Server and port, It is possible?

Thank you

Can i do this on Version 6.5 (ASP.NET Core + Angular) i have try to filter out by Role but still not work can you give more hint to make this work

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Hi @demirmusa where can i find this tag is in angular or core <script abp-src="path" asp-append-version="true"></script>

Thank you

Hi @ismcagdas Yes my clients use old JavaScript files until they clear cookies

How can i fix this issue

Thank you

my version v6.9.1

what is the cached data you have encoutered? -> the problem happen when i pusblish new project to IIS Server and my client resfresh the browser but nothing change just have to click clear cookies to get the resfresh page

Thank you

yes i will clone identity authentication to others service

if not the same identity authentication can i pass some parameter when user click

Thank you

Yes or anyone can help me to solve this problem

Thank you

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