Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "kwongyuhong"


Hi, I have an ASPNet Zero v6.4.0 project with ASPNET CORE & Angular. Is there any way to check which version of Metronic used on my project?


HI ,

How can I check which ASP Net Zero's version I used based on the downloaded project?


I created an application service with several function in it. The problem is when I run the swagger, some of the parameter's input is not converted into properties of parameters instead it is displayed as JSON (ex. CopyAddressBookTemp as in image). The rest of the functions' parameter input are fine. How to resolve this?

Application service code:

public class AddressBookGroupAppService : FlurrAppServiceBase, IAddressBookGroupAppService
    public async Task CopyAddressBookTemp(CopyAddressBookTempInput input){

Input DTO code (CopyAddressBookGroupTempInput class):

public class CopyAddressBookTempInput
    public bool IsPrivate { get; set; }
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