Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "luo0826"

Now I found out how it happened.When I set IdentityServer.IsEnabled to false in appsettings.json the bug happens. Is IdentityServer required if I want to use Impersonaton

It Works!Thank you very much!

Hi @luo0826 thank you very much!

Hi @ismcagdas It works! Thank you very much.Does it mean when I change ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT into Staging or Production I have to copy all of my settings in appsettings.json to appsettings.Staging.json or appsettings.Production.json?

The issue can not found.

Hi@ismcagdas 1.We are using ASP.NET Core MVC & jQuery template 2.The version is 9.3.0 MultiTenant is false now step1:log in as a user log in successfully step2:refresh the page or click back button now it becomes the user totally.I can not log in back to my admin user.

thank you , I will try

Thank you for your answer,I have derived my own class from SettingManager like this: And replaced the service by this: Configuration.ReplaceService<ISettingManager, IentrySettingManager>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient); but how can I use it in controller.As the SettingManager property is defined in the base controller class,how can I inject my own SettingManager as a property in base controller? Thank you very much.

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