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Activities of "mikek"

Hi :)

I'm trying to scale SignalR using a backplane; either Azure ServiceBus, SQL Server, or Redis.

Unfortunately, it appears that using any of the 3 above configurations breaks SignalR - the clients can't connect to the server any longer. (Connection refused or reset.)

We're using a standard Azure EventHub & configuring it in Startup.cs using a single extra line:

GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.UseServiceBus(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString"], "myAppName");

Commenting out the first line makes SignalR work again, but it's not scalable. :|

Is there a recommended way to configure a SignalR backplane with ABP? Thanks! :)


I've just upgrade to 0.12.0 and my entity created event handler is now failing because the entity data passed in has an id = 0. Running the tests, it seems that SaveChanges() is firing the entity created event before committing the changes & resolving the new id. Is this expected behaviour?

Thanks! mike


New user here: What's the best way to implement registration using a social login only?

My difficulty is that a social login does not necessarily provide an email address (eg: Facebook) and I'm not using UserName at all.

Is it possible to remove the requirements for UserName and EmailAddress on the AbpUser account? What are the ramifications of such a change?

Many thanks, mike

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