Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "sbenfares"

Thanks for your answer !

Hi there,

I'm new to ANZ, i've created my first project with MultyTenancy disabled because i don't need it.

If i understand correctly, with MultiTenancy off i still have a default tenantam i right ?

Is it possible to login as host with MultiTenancy off ? If there is a default tenant can i manage it with an host account ?

I tried to log with host user with MT off (using tenancyName empty on login as explained here : [])) but i always have a InvalidUserNameOrEmailAddress error.

Thanks for your help.


I’m trying to add 2 areas to my project, i would like to properly redirect users on login. Each user have a specific role, depending on his role he will be redirected to the good area.

What is your advice to handle this properly ?

I’m modifying AccountController and HomeController with a GetAppHomeUrl method which use a User.IsInRole verification.

My problem is with the NormalizeReturnUrl function and the UserManager.UserIsInRole verification which is not working. The IsInRole always return false for my users, but return true for the default admin user.

My users are created in the SeedHelper and roles are set with the context : __context.UserRoles.Add(new UserRole(tenantId, user.Id, role.Id));

When i create the users in SeedHelper, should i use UserManager.AddToRoleAsync to make IsInRoleAsync work ? If yes, should i inject UserManager in the SeedHelper ?


PS : Multytenancy disabled.

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