First thank you for your great work .
I have a doubt about which is the best way to bulk insert with the repository pattern, because when i have to insert 500 rows it takes a lot of time.
I have tried disabling AutoDetectChangesEnabled but the performance still very bad
Maybe IRepository colud be extended to insertRange for this kind of insertions?
using (var unitOfWork = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
Context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
foreach (var element in list)
Context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
5 Answer(s)
You said "I have tried disabling AutoDetectChangesEnabled but the performance still very bad". So, then it's not a solution to add such a BulkInsert method to repository. Am I wrong?
Actually, this is a generic problem related EntityFramework itself, rather than ASP.NET Boilerplate. If you can find a performant way, you can add to your repositories and share with us. Then we can decide to add it to standard IRepository interface.
BTW, You don't need to start a UOW in a repository method since it's automatically started for repositories.
You´re right about adding a bulk insert method only disabling autodetectchanges.
i added to my project other open source project
<a class="postlink" href="https://efbulkinsert.codeplex.com/">https://efbulkinsert.codeplex.com/</a>
Now the performance is awesome for bulk inserting,
this example is in my EnityFramework project Repositories
public Task SetList(List input) { return Task.Run(() => { using (var transactionScope = new TransactionScope()) { Context.BulkInsert(input); Context.SaveChanges(); transactionScope.Complete(); } } ); }
Thanks a lot
That's awesome. I'll try it. Thanks a lot.
Any plans to insert this EntityFramework.BulkInsert in abp IRepository ?
Maybe it could be a useful feature for other users :)
Anyway, i'll implement it myself in custom repository, since I need it today for myself :)
I added an issue for this request: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/issues/648">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... issues/648</a>
I should check this library to see if implement similar thing for ABP without dependening on the library.