SelfSwapAdmin created
Product Version: 10.2.0 Product Type: Angular 10.NET Core 5
We need to have the GetAll() method in one of our custom components initialized from the "Load Entity from Database" code-gen automatically refresh using a configurable interval. What is the best way to go about this? Is there an example somewhere we can look at? Thank you!
5 Answer(s)
Hi @SelfSwapAdmin Does using setInterval meet your project's needs?
ngOnInit(): void { this.setAutoRefreshTimer(); } private setAutoRefreshTimer(): void { let getAllInterval = abp.setting.getInt("XXXComponent.GetAllInterval"); setInterval(this.getAll, getAllInterval); }
I oversimplified a bit. Actually what is getting called is:
getComponentName(event?: LazyLoadEvent) { if (this.primengTableHelper.shouldResetPaging(event)) { this.paginator.changePage(0); return; } this.primengTableHelper.showLoadingIndicator(); this._ssFolioServiceProxy .getAll( this.filterText, .............. ..............
So GetAll is not being called directly is unresolved in setInterval(this.getAll, getAllInterval).
So in this case how SetInterval be used?
Could you try using setInterval as below;
setInterval(() => { this.getAll(); }, getAllInterval);
Hi @SelfSwapAdmin Check: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_setinterval.asp
setInterval(() => { //do whatever you want }, getAllInterval);