Hi there is a possibility to link/open to a modal dialog about a notification, like the url-link? (https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/7492/How-can-we-add-URL-in-notifications-using-backend-c)
For example to open the "Change password" dialog by link about notifications.
We use Version 10.3 with MVC/.net 5
9 Answer(s)
Notification click event is defined here https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/blob/dev/aspnet-core/src/MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Mvc/wwwroot/Common/Scripts/appUserNotificationHelper.js#L67. So, you can place your logic here and open a modal.
okay thats fine (maybe) but when is fire this event? In my scenarios doesn't fire when I click on a notification.
Hi @daniela.buttner
I just tested with latest version and it seems to be working. Does the click event of notification work for existing notification types ? For example when you click "download my data" on user menu, a notification should be displayed and cliclink it should download a zip file.
Yes for existing notification types the click works fine, with the notifictions like open a modal service it work the open only when is build the notifications, then open the modal window. This is my getURL code, the last case is only the example to work normal (App.WelcomeToTheApplication)
function getUrl(userNotification) { switch (userNotification.notification.notificationName) { case 'App.NewUserRegistered': return '/App/users?filterText=' + userNotification.notification.data.properties.emailAddress; case 'App.NewTenantRegistered': return '/App/tenants?filterText=' + userNotification.notification.data.properties.tenancyName; case 'App.GdprDataPrepared': return '/File/DownloadBinaryFile?id=' + userNotification.notification.data.properties.binaryObjectId + '&contentType=application/zip&fileName=collectedData.zip'; case 'App.DownloadInvalidImportUsers': return '/File/DownloadTempFile?fileToken=' + userNotification.notification.data.properties.fileToken + '&fileType=' + userNotification.notification.data.properties.fileType + '&fileName=' + userNotification.notification.data.properties.fileName; //Add your custom notification names to navigate to a URL when user clicks to a notification. case 'App.NewVersionAvailable': return openReleaseNotesModal; case 'App.WelcomeToTheApplication': return '/App/users?filterText=' + userNotification.notification.data.properties.emailAddress; } //No url for this notification return '#'; };
The 'App.NewVersionAvailable' case is my request for open a Modal Window the code for this is:
var openReleaseNotesModal = function () { new app.ModalManager({ viewUrl: abp.appPath + 'App/Profile/ReleaseNotesModal', scriptUrl: abp.appPath + 'view-resources/Areas/App/Views/Profile/_ReleaseNotesModal.js', modalClass: 'ReleaseNotesModal' }); };
and when I add '.open()' then will open this initially.
Thanks Regards
Could you also share your
function in Scripts/appUserNotificationHelper.js ? -
Hi my "show" code is orginal.
var show = function (userNotification) { //Application notification abp.notifications.showUiNotifyForUserNotification(userNotification, { 'onclick': function () { //Take action when user clicks to live toastr notification var url = getUrl(userNotification); if (url) { location.href = url; } } }); //Desktop notification Push.create("Badger", { body: format(userNotification).text, //icon: abp.appPath + 'Common/Images/app-logo-small.svg', icon: abp.appPath + 'Common/Images/inSight_Logo_Side_With_N3.png', timeout: 6000, onClick: function () { window.focus(); this.close(); } }); };
As I can see, onclick event is not modified. You should modify it something like below;
'onclick': function () { //Take action when user clicks to live toastr notification var url = getUrl(userNotification); if(url === 'URL OF App.NewVersionAvailable'){ // Open modal here... return; } if (url) { location.href = url; } }
I would like to take up this topic again. I read your comment in your last statment "//Take action when user clicks to live toastr notification" My intension is the link in the notification list not on the toast. I can link to a side but not open a modal popup.
Can you look please again. Regards
Hi @daniela.buttner
In that case, you can handle click event using jQuery. Something like this should work;
$('#header_notification_bar .navi-text a').click(function(){ });
I assume you want to handle click event of a link in the notification text.