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Custom Domain Events on EventBus not not triggering mapped handlers #10348

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jtallon created


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  • What is ABP Framework version? 5.10.1

Im trying to leverage Event Bus to fire Custom Domain Events but looks there is some problem and the subscribed handlers are not receiving the event data. Below is a s sample of code of what I am doing.


public class InspectionFailedEventData : EventData
    // Few Properties which will be part of Event Data

public interface IInspectionFailedEventManager : IEventHandler<InspectionFailedEventData>, ITransientDependency
    // Interface for Handlers

public class SendEmailOnInspectionStatusChange : IInspectionFailedEventManager
    // First handler (Subscription) for the event data
    private readonly IEmailTemplateProvider _emailTemplateProvider;
    private readonly ISiteRepository _siteRepository;
    private readonly IEmailSender _emailSender;
    private readonly IRepository<Capture, Guid> _captureRepository;
    private const string TemplateName = "InspectionCompleteEmailTemplate";

    public SendEmailOnInspectionStatusChange(IEmailTemplateProvider emailTemplateProvider,
        ISiteRepository siteRepository,
        IEmailSender emailSender,
        IRepository<Capture, Guid> captureRepository)
        _emailTemplateProvider = emailTemplateProvider;
        _siteRepository = siteRepository;
        _emailSender = emailSender;
        _captureRepository = captureRepository;

    public void HandleEvent(InspectionFailedEventData eventData)
        var captureDetails = _captureRepository.GetAllIncluding(s => s.CaptureTemplate)
            .Include(s => s.CaptureTemplate)
            .FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == eventData.InspectionId);
        if (captureDetails != null)
            var templateForStatusChange = _emailTemplateProvider.GetTemplate(eventData.TenantId, TemplateName);
            templateForStatusChange = templateForStatusChange.Replace("{Material}", captureDetails.CaptureTemplate.ItemName);
            templateForStatusChange = templateForStatusChange.Replace("{ItemNumber}", captureDetails.SMPItemNumber);
            templateForStatusChange = templateForStatusChange.Replace("{SMPLotNumber}", captureDetails.SMPLotNumber);
            templateForStatusChange = templateForStatusChange.Replace("{CompletedUser}", eventData.UserName);
            templateForStatusChange = templateForStatusChange.Replace("{StatusColour}", eventData.InspectionPassed ? "green" : "red");
            templateForStatusChange = templateForStatusChange.Replace("{MaterialStatus}", ((CaptureStatusEnum)captureDetails.CaptureStatusId).ToString());

            var wareHouseEmail = _siteRepository.Get(eventData.TenantId).WarehouseDistributionEmail;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wareHouseEmail))
                throw new EntityNotFoundException("No email sent. Warehouse email was not set for this site");

            _emailSender.SendAsync(new MailMessage
                To = { wareHouseEmail },
                Subject = "Inspection Complete",
                Body = templateForStatusChange,
                IsBodyHtml = true


public class SendStatusToQadOnInspectionStatusChange : IInspectionFailedEventManager
    // Second handler (Subscription) for the event data
    private readonly IQadIntegrationAction _qadIntegrationAction;

    public SendStatusToQadOnInspectionStatusChange(IQadIntegrationAction qadIntegrationAction)
        _qadIntegrationAction = qadIntegrationAction;

    public void HandleEvent(InspectionFailedEventData eventData)
        var stockInboundMessage = new QadStockInboundMessage()
            Id = eventData.Id,
            ExpiryDate = eventData.ExpiryDate,
            Status = eventData.InspectionPassed ? QadStatus.Available : QadStatus.Quality


// AppService
public async Task<string> SetInspectionStatus(SetInspectionStatusDto input)
        var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
        var tenant = await GetCurrentTenantAsync();
        var userName = user.FullName;
        var hasInspectionPassed = CheckIfCaptureHasPassed(input.CaptureId);
        capture.CaptureTypeLockId = null;
        capture.ReleasedTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
        capture.ReleasedById = (await GetCurrentUserAsync()).Id;
        if (!hasInspectionPassed)
            capture.CaptureStatusId = (int)CaptureStatusEnum.ReleaseFailed;

        // Event Data Creation
        var eventData = new InspectionFailedEventData
            Id = capture.GRN,
            InspectionId = capture.Id,
            InspectionPassed = hasInspectionPassed,
            ExpiryDate = capture.ExpiryDate,
            UserName = userName,
            TenantId = tenant.Id

        // EventData passed to a Domain Service with some extra info
        await _inspectionEventManager.TakeActionOnInspectionFailAsync(eventData, user, tenant);
        return CaptureStatusEnum.Release.ToString();

    // DomainService
    class InspectionEventManager : PortalDomainServiceBase, IInspectionEventManager
        public IEventBus EventBus { get; set; }

        public InspectionEventManager()
            EventBus = NullEventBus.Instance;

        public async Task TakeActionOnInspectionFailAsync(InspectionFailedEventData eventData, User user1, Tenant tenant)
            await EventBus.TriggerAsync(this, eventData);

Nothing happens when TriggerAsync method is called, and I cant figure out a way to debug or resolve it.

6 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    musa.demir created

    Hi @jtallon I could not reproduce the problem. Can you please check if your EventBus is NullEventBus.Instance. Here is my test case:

    public class InspectionFailedEventData : EventData
        // Few Properties which will be part of Event Data
    public interface IInspectionFailedEventManager : IEventHandler<InspectionFailedEventData>, ITransientDependency
        // Interface for Handlers
    public class SendEmailOnInspectionStatusChange : IInspectionFailedEventManager
        // First handler (Subscription) for the event data
        public ILogger Logger { get; set; }
        public SendEmailOnInspectionStatusChange()
            Logger = NullLogger.Instance;
        public void HandleEvent(InspectionFailedEventData eventData)
            Logger.Info("SendEmailOnInspectionStatusChange Handled");
    public class SendStatusToQadOnInspectionStatusChange : IInspectionFailedEventManager
        // First handler (Subscription) for the event data
        public ILogger Logger { get; set; }
        public SendStatusToQadOnInspectionStatusChange()
            Logger = NullLogger.Instance;
        public void HandleEvent(InspectionFailedEventData eventData)
            Logger.Info("SendStatusToQadOnInspectionStatusChange  Handled");

    And trigger event somewhere you want

    public async Task TestEvent()
        Logger.Info("TestEvent Started");
        await EventBus.TriggerAsync(this, new InspectionFailedEventData());

    And the log file :

    Can you also please try that test case on your project?

  • User Avatar
    jtallon created

    Hi Team,

    I figured out the work around by bringing my handlers back into Application project.

    It was not working when I had handlers in a new class library, as you can see I did made them ITransientDependency as well which should Ideally register the handlers in dependency container for the event.

    My assumption, somehow handlers in different projects dont get recognised/ mapped although after implementing ITransientDependency, thats why even if trigger the event from application project, they dont get picked by handlers.

    Please look into it, is there anything extra I need to do to keep the handlers in a separate prooject, its very important as we are planning to divide the whole project into smaller libraries instead of one FAT application or core etc project, which will also help us in upgrading version of aspnetzero as eventually the shipped projects will be untouched.


  • User Avatar
    musa.demir created

    Does your console app's AbpModule contains following code?

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    jtallon created

    That link is not reachable.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Please add your GitHub user on You can reach the link after accepting the invitation from GitHub.

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    musa.demir created
