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Customize themes #10417

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BogdanPietroiu created

Hello, We would like to customize the provided themes in the aspnet-zero-core angular boilerplate.  Is there a way to do this, other than, for example, replacing color codes in the .css files ? If not, could you provide us the keenthemes metronic uncompiled package?

we use the angular version 10.3 Thank you

4 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @BogdanPietroiu

    You can customize the Metronic theme, rebuild it and replace the related stlyle files in AspNet Zero. You can download Metronic's source code at the bottom of page.

  • User Avatar
    BogdanPietroiu created


    We have investigated the downloads available at page. abd it seems that version 7 of metronic available there is older than the one used in the laster version of aspnetzero, angular.

    can you please make available for as the proper version of metronic?

    Thank you!

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    BogdanPietroiu created

    To be more precise, we are using abp-zero-template 10.3.0 and seeing references to a metronic newer than 7.0.3 available for download from

    where can we download the proper metronic themes used in abp-zero-template 10.3.0 ?

    Thank you

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Could you send an email to [email protected] ? Our team will help you about this.
