I am trying to add support for this angular directive ([https://github.com/tombatossals/angular-openlayers-directive]) This is an open source mapping framework.
I notice the solution doesn't use NPM or Bower for package management, so what steps would it take to add this and its dependencies to the angular app? Is there an example of adding a new library?
I tried NPM and Bower to install/download but didn't seem to work correctly.
2 Answer(s)
After downloading necessary files,
1 - You need to add paths of scripts to ScriptPaths.cs, paths of styles to StylePaths.cs. 2 - Add those paths to AppBundleConfig. 3 - At last, you need to add your directive to app.js file under App folder
var appModule = angular.module("app", [ "ui.router", "ui.bootstrap", 'ui.utils', .......... 'openlayers-directive' 'abp' ]);
Our solution is in VS 2013 format. Bower is not installed by default. If you want to use it, you should do it in Windows command promt.