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using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null)) does not reset when disposed #10435

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SorenRomer created


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Multitenancy ENABLED


I have a strange issue in the UserAppService class.

I have added a new custom property to the User class that needs to get set during update and creation of users. The issue is that in order to assign the right values for the custom property I need to get some data from the database created by the host. To avoid too much polution of the create and update user methods I have extracted the functionality to a private async method inside the UserAppService class.

While entering UpdateUserAsync() _unitOfWorkManager.Current.GetTenantId() returns the correct tenantId but after my private method is called the same statement returns null.

This is what I have done inside the private method:
Attempt #1 Assuming tenant ID will be reset to AbpSession.GetTenantId() value after using is complete (it is not)

private async Task DoCustomStuffAsync(CreateOrUpdateUserInput input, User user)
    if(user.CustomProp == null)
     using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
        // Getting host data *** WORKS

Attempt #2 forcing new UOW

private async Task DoCustomStuffAsync(CreateOrUpdateUserInput input, User user)
    if(user.CustomProp == null)
    using(var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
    using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
        // Getting host data *** WORKS

Attempt #2 Forcing new transaction scope

private async Task DoCustomStuffAsync(CreateOrUpdateUserInput input, User user)
    if(user.CustomProp == null)
    using(var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(RequiresNew))
    using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
        // Getting host data *** WORKS

Attempt #3 Manual dispose of uow scope

private async Task DoCustomStuffAsync(CreateOrUpdateUserInput input, User user)
    if(user.CustomProp == null)
    using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
        // Getting host data *** WORKS
        uow.Dispose(); //Should not be nessesary

Attempt #4 Marking methods (and class) with UOW

public async Task UpdateUserAsync(....)

private async Task DoCustomStuffAsync(CreateOrUpdateUserInput input, User user)
    if(user.CustomProp == null)
    using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
        // Getting host data *** WORKS

What am I doing wrong here? I can obviously set the tenantID again in the UpdateUserAsync method but that is not a good way IMO.

Best regards

4 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @SorenRomer

    Yes, this shouldn't work like that. Could you share your main method which calls DoCustomStuffAsync as well ? We can try to reproduce this on our side.


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    SorenRomer created

    Hi @ismcagdas, Sure thing, I kept the DoCustomStuffAsync naming:

    protected virtual async Task UpdateUserAsync(CreateOrUpdateUserInput input)
        Debug.Assert(input.User.Id != null, "input.User.Id should be set.");
        var user = await UserManager.GetUserByIdAsync(input.User.Id.Value);
        //Update user properties
        ObjectMapper.Map(input.User, user); //Passwords is not mapped (see mapping configuration)
        // CUSTOM CODE 
        // _unitOfWorkManager.Current.GetTenantId() is **1** at this point.
        if (input.AssignedCourseId != null && AbpSession.MultiTenancySide != Abp.MultiTenancy.MultiTenancySides.Host)
            await DoCustomStuffAsync(input, user);
         // _unitOfWorkManager.Current.GetTenantId() is **null** at this point.
        CheckErrors(await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user));
        if (input.SetRandomPassword)
            var randomPassword = await _userManager.CreateRandomPassword();
            user.Password = _passwordHasher.HashPassword(user, randomPassword);
            input.User.Password = randomPassword;
        else if (!input.User.Password.IsNullOrEmpty())
            await UserManager.InitializeOptionsAsync(AbpSession.TenantId);
            CheckErrors(await UserManager.ChangePasswordAsync(user, input.User.Password));
        //Update roles
        CheckErrors(await UserManager.SetRolesAsync(user, input.AssignedRoleNames));
        //update organization units
        await UserManager.SetOrganizationUnitsAsync(user, input.OrganizationUnits.ToArray());
        if (input.SendActivationEmail)
            await _userEmailer.SendEmailActivationLinkAsync(

    Here is a simplified version of the custom method:

    private async Task DoCustomStuffAsync(CreateOrUpdateUserInput input, User user)
        if (input.CustomEnityId != null)
            using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
                var _customEntities = _customEntityRepository.GetAllIncluding(c => c.CourseFlows).FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == (int)input.AssignedCourseId);
            EventBus.Trigger(new CustomEvent { Id = user.Id});
            Logger.Info($"User {user.UserName} is not assigned to a custom entity");

    Thanks in advance

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    SorenRomer created

    I found issue - sort of....
    If I avoid calling EventBus.Trigger(new CustomEvent { Id = user.Id}); the tenantId is reset to the correct value after the using is disposed.
    Calling await EventBus.TriggerAsync(new CustomEvent { Id = user.Id}); results in the same behaviour.

    I don't understand this behaviour of the EventBus? Why does it stick to tenantid null when it is being called after the using is disposed?

    Wrapping the call to the eventbus inside its own using solves the problem:

    using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(AbpSession.GetTenantId()))
        await EventBus.TriggerAsync(new CustomEvent { Id = user.Id});
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    I think it is becasue you are mixing async and sync code. If using EventBus.TriggerAsync works, I suggest you to use it.