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Not saving Last Modified User Id: when one tenant updating other tenant's record #10446

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demo.solaru created

.Net Core 2.2 ASPNetZero 7.0.0

In our application one user from one tenant account can request something other tenant account and second tenant can approve something: so when SaveChanges is called for record which was created by tenant 1 updated by tenant 2 system is not saving lastmodifieduserid: for this I have override the function of GetAuditUserId in DbContext file but still its not saving modified user's Id.

Is there anything that I am doing wrong here?

protected override long? GetAuditUserId()
    if (AbpSession.UserId.HasValue &&
        CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider != null &&
        CurrentUnitOfWorkProvider.Current != null)
        return AbpSession.UserId;

    return null;

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    musa.demir created

    I think it is not the place you are looking for. Aspnetboilerplate sets LastModifierUserId in As you see, your MultiTenancyHelper.IsTenantEntity most probably returns false. You may need to override with your own logic.

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    demo.solaru created

    Hello @musa.demir,

    After overriding SetModificationAuditProperties and GetAuditUserId functions its working fine and setting the correct modified properties. Thank you!