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Activities of "demo.solaru"

@ismcagdas does this sample for ABP + MongoDB is exists?


We have couple questions as we are planning to start another project by using aspnetzero and needing couple clarifications.

AspnetZero Version: 11.0 Product type Angular + Dot Net Core

Base Information:

  • One API End point that will support multiple fronted application via different domain/sub domain name i.e. using one db and all application will consume this api, - MAIN LANDING - Separate App for corporate accounts - separate app with own business logic but using same apis end points as others - separate app with own business logic but using same apis end points as others

  • There will be standard features, but we are planning to have other dynamic features & permissions for forms access i.e. there are two forms 110011, 220022, when admin creates this forms it creates features & relevant permissions in db and that would be consumed in when individual is trying to access.

    App Features -- that are dynamically created in database App.DynamicFeature.110011 App.DynamicFeature.110011.CRUD App.DynamicFeature.220022 App.DynamicFeature.220022.CRUD

    App Permissions - that are dynamically created in db when that forms are created Pages.DynamicFeaturePermissions.110011 App.DynamicFeature.110011 Pages.DynamicFeaturePermissions.110011.View App.DynamicFeature.110011 Pages.DynamicFeaturePermissions.110011.Print App.DynamicFeature.110011 Pages.DynamicFeaturePermissions.110011.Create App.DynamicFeature.110011.CRUD Pages.DynamicFeaturePermissions.110011.Edit App.DynamicFeature.110011.CRUD Pages.DynamicFeaturePermissions.110011.Delete App.DynamicFeature.110011.CRUD

and same for other feature.


  1. How can I register this features and permissions based on features in application, so that I can use this in application for feature checking, permission checking
  2. How can I extend the Authorization module or create separate authorization attribute, to authorize at API End point where api is getting the "110011", and "22022" in FormName parameter? obviously checking against tenant has that feature + user also has permission

Last question is kind of separate: as we are hosting the same fronted app but in different domain and wants to have the cookie being shared between all the apps (main domain, other domain, any subdomain), we are not using the {tenancyName} feature in our product.



  • To enable AOT; I have made the following changes in the angular.json file.

  • ng build --prod command is used to build the app.

Version: ASPNetZero V7.0, angular 8

I'm facing a performance issue with the application. The bundle size is huge. Vendor,js is 13MB So to reduce the size I enabled AOT in the application. I'm facing the following issue. Does anyone face this kind of issue earlier? I would like to know what's the root cause. The issue does not exist when trying to build normally.

The issue is resolved. For security reasons, third party tool do not accept requests from localhost servers. Instead, I had to publish the snippet to a staging or production environment to run it correctly.

Thank you!

@ismcagdas No error message in server side log file. In the log file it shows; CORS policy execution successful


product version: v7.0.0 product type: Angular framework type: .net core


I am trying to integrate 3rd party tool (LOU) in our product. I am facing following issue: Error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

I have updated appsettings.json file as follows:

Still, I am getting Access-Control-Allow-Origin error Any help would be apciated. Thank you



Yes, We tried on v11.1. Please see the below summary report:

Please find the below attachment as well



We are using new v11 without any modification.


Hi Team,

We planned to develop a high traffic application so we purchased ASPNetZero V11 (LTS) framework. Since we are going to develop a heavy traffic product I want to put the system/framework into Load Testing with api/TokenAuth/Authenticate API endpoint using JMeter. While putting load test we got lot of Response code: 500 Internal Server Error. I checked with AbpAuditLogs about internal exception it’s caused due to “Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.” We need to know why we are having these issues on Load Test for only 500 User Threads on an interval of 10 sec.

Load Test Tread Group Number of Threads (users): 500 Ramp-up period (seconds): 10 Loop Count: 1

Summary Report

With this I’m attaching JMeter jmx file and AbpAuditLogs export file. We need a quick solution for this issue because we are planning to start with our actual development soon. Note: We are facing the same issue with the Old ASPNetZero V7.0 framework and with this V7.0 we build a project that actually running in production.

Please find the attached JMeter jmx and AbpAuditLogs files: JMeter AbpAuditLogs

Thank you.

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