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When running jobs as a background process using HangFire - get exception - Session.Tenant id is null #10501

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bluescopesteel created

Hi Support Team,

While running jobs as a background process in our Production site using HangFire, our users are getting an exception intermittently.

Exception is:

An exception occurred during performance of the job. Abp.UI.UserFriendlyException

[Session.Tenant id is null! Possible problems: No user logged in or current logged in user in a host user (Tenant id is always null for host users).]

Abp.UI.UserFriendlyException: [Session.Tenant id is null! Possible problems: No user logged in or current logged in user in a host user (Tenant id is always null for host users).] at endurohub.Job.JobAppService.RunAutomationStep(Int32 step, Int32 tenantId, Int64 userId, Int32 orderId) in D:\a\1\s\src\endurohub.Application\Job\JobAppService.cs:line 188 at endurohub.Job.JobAppService.UpdateJobFileInBackground(UpdateJobFileInput input, Int32 tenantId, Int64 userId) in D:\a\1\s\src\endurohub.Application\Job\JobAppService.cs:line 169 at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

Our Code is:

public async Task UpdateJobFile(UpdateJobFileInput input)
	_backgroundJobClient.Enqueue<JobAppService>(x => x.UpdateJobFileInBackground(input, AbpSession.GetTenantId(), AbpSession.GetUserId()));

 public async Task UpdateJobFileInBackground(UpdateJobFileInput input, int tenantId, long userId)
	//Do the job - calling many functions, passing tenantId and userId to those functions

Product version - V10.2.0 Product type- Angular Product framework type - .Net Core Hosting - Azure

Please let us know any suggestions.

1 Answer(s)
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    bluescopesteel created

    Hi Support team,

    Please ignore this ticket for time being.I guess it is problem of calling AbpSession.GetTenantId() on background functions in a specific scenario.

    Best regards