Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "bluescopesteel"


Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version?11.0
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)?Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)?.net core

I have a parent component A that has a child component B. From component B, I am trying to open a modal. The event is registered in component A

In component B, when I am clicking on the button to open the modal, I am calling the following function

showPartsModal(): void { abp.event.trigger('showPartsModal', this.models, this.selectedModels, this.orderId); }

In component A, I have ` ngOnInit() { this.registerToEvents(); }

registerToEvents() { abp.event.on('showPartsModal', (models, selectedModels, orderId) => {, selectedModels, orderId); });`

But this event is getting called multiple times when I come back to the page and click on the button after visiting other pages. I found similar issues faced by others in which they suggest we have to unsubscribe to the event so that it does not get called multiple times. But I could not find any example for this.I saw this particular link, But still not very sure , how I can implement it for my scenario. Could you please help me out?

Thank you @ismcagdas

I have created the issue


  • What is your product version? 11.0
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core

If issue is about UI

  • Which theme are you using? Default
  • What are the theme settings?

In AspnetZero base code - the Users table in Host and Tenant doesn't look properly aligned. Columns seem to overlap with each other. Can you please let me know how this can be fixed?

Hi @musa.demir,

I had already tried this fix as mentioned by ismcagdas above.

This does not fix the issue. If I apply this fix, it will work for scenarios where the parent menu item has a redirection link attached to it. If it is a parent menu item which should just expand on clicking it, it simply doesn't work. Like in the above example I have given, it will work for Administartion1 but not for Administration2

Hi @musa.demir,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

In our case, we have 2 types of menu items.Some of them have redirection to others pages, while some simply opens up the child menu. Something like below: Here Administration1 has redirection to other page while Administration2 doesn't have any redirection new AppMenuItem( 'Administration1', '', 'flaticon-interface-8', '/app/admin/organization-units', [], [ new AppMenuItem('Roles', 'Pages.Administration.Roles', 'flaticon-suitcase', '/app/admin/roles'), new AppMenuItem('Users', 'Pages.Administration.Users', 'flaticon-users', '/app/admin/users'), ...., ] ), new AppMenuItem( 'Administration2', '', 'flaticon-interface-8', '', [], [ new AppMenuItem( 'WebhookSubscriptions', 'Pages.Administration.WebhookSubscription', 'flaticon2-world', '/app/admin/webhook-subscriptions' ), ...., ] ),

So, if I click on Administartion1 , it redirects to organization units and its expand/collapse works fine. But if I click on Administration2, it redirects to "Dashboard', which is the default page we redirect to if a particular path is not found. Its expand/collapse doesn't work.

Hi @ismcagdas,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I tried the code provided in the link above. It works in the ASP.Net Zero base code, but not in our application.

I think the root cause for our issue is a code change that we made in the side-bar-menu.component.html We need to redirect to a particular page on the click of some of the parent menu item. e.g: if I click on the 'Administration' in the above screenshot, it should expand the accordion menu which shows its child elements as well as it should redirect to a different page. In order to acheive this, we had modified the code in side-bar-menu.component.html from <!-- if menu item has submenu child --> <a** href="javascript:;"** *ngIf="item.items.length" class="menu-link menu-toggle" [class]="{'active' : isMenuItemIsActive(item) }" [tooltip]="iconMenu && parentItem == null ? l( ''">

to <!-- if menu item has submenu child --> <a** [routerLink]="item.route" ***ngIf="item.items.length" class="menu-link menu-toggle" [class]="{'active' : isMenuItemIsActive(item) }" [tooltip]="iconMenu && parentItem == null ? l( ''">

which I believe is now affecting all the menu items with sub-menus. This was working fine prior to migration in V 10.4.

Could you please let me know how we can acheive this?

Hi @ismcagdas, the same issue happens if logged in as a tenant also.


Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version? 11.0
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .Net Core

If issue is about UI

  • Which theme are you using? Deafult
  • What are the theme settings?

In AspnetZero base code - side bar is not collapsing properly.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Login to Host
  2. Expand Adminstration
  3. Click a child menu - For Eg: Roles
  4. Click Tenants without collpsing Administration
  5. Tty to collapse Administration - it is stuck!!!

Thanks v much @musa.demir

Hi @ismcagdas,

Thanks v much.

Can you please give us the steps to fix in 11.0.0 as well?

We recently migrated from 10.4.0 to 11.0.0, so we don't have any plan to change it to v11.2.0 soon.

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