Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "bluescopesteel"

It is ok - I found this and it worked:


I am trouble getting my ASP.NET Zero (ASP.NET CORE and Angular) website to be configured for an environment other than Production. I have set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable in my Azure WebApp to Staging. I have added a staging.appconfig.json file in my client app and configured that for my staging environment. Likewise I have configured those settings for staging in the appsettings.Staging.json file. Likwise I have configured the CORS origins correctly.

But no matter what I do my website keeps using the settings for Production (ie in producton.appconfig.json) - why is that the case?

Ive been at this for over 4 hours now. Somewhat confused.

In your documentation, here, you say "Azure is using appsettings.production.json, so this file should be configured like following". But I want my site to be able to be deployed to Development, Staging and Production.

Need your help please.

Ta Mark

My organization does not use Github. My developers do not have github accounts.

How can I assign a license to an email address?

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