I am trouble getting my ASP.NET Zero (ASP.NET CORE and Angular) website to be configured for an environment other than Production. I have set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable in my Azure WebApp to Staging. I have added a staging.appconfig.json file in my client app and configured that for my staging environment. Likewise I have configured those settings for staging in the appsettings.Staging.json file. Likwise I have configured the CORS origins correctly.
But no matter what I do my website keeps using the settings for Production (ie in producton.appconfig.json) - why is that the case?
Ive been at this for over 4 hours now. Somewhat confused.
In your documentation, here https://docs.aspnetzero.com/documents/aspnet-core-angular/latest/Deployment-Angular-Publish-Azure, you say "Azure is using appsettings.production.json, so this file should be configured like following". But I want my site to be able to be deployed to Development, Staging and Production.
Need your help please.
Ta Mark
1 Answer(s)
It is ok - I found this and it worked: https://blog.angulartraining.com/how-to-manage-different-environments-with-angular-cli-883c26e99d15