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Authentication of another MVC from ASPZ project - Can a separate login be avoided or tenantid pre filled? #10536

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ashjackson created


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Hi There, I have enabled Identity Server to enable integration of a legacy application with my ASPZ project. Each tenant in the ASPZ app will have their own instance of the legacy app. Is it possible to set the tenantid on the redirect coming from the legacy app or will the user does not have to enter it again?

What I would like to achive ideally, is that users can re-direct to the legacy app (an ASP.NET MVC app on .net framework 4.6.2) without having to log in again. If this is possible then I would be very interested in how this can be achived, but it in the case that they must log in again (which is where I've got to so far) I would like to have to tenant pre-selected in the login page.

Thanks, AJ.

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @ashjackson

    If you are not using subdomains as the tenancy name, you can include tenantId into the query string and pre-fill the tenancyName field.