I want to know, If you can Provide or Guid us to set or configure our External Authentication and Authorization in the Framework, also need to avoid anonymous call(DMZ). And also need to setup in both frontend and backend(for all APIs).
ikione: { isEnable: true, ikoneurl: "/secikione/rest/async-ikione/v1/login", i1ClientName: "WealthMapper", i1Orgid: "3914", i1forceAuthentication: "true", i1RedirectURL: "https://wealthmapper.preprod.evry.com/wel-client-d1/redirecturl", },
3 Answer(s)
Hi Sachin,
Is "/secikione/rest/async-ikione/v1/login" developed by your team ? If so, do you know which protocols does it support ?
You can create your custom external authentication as explained here https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Zero/User-Management#external-authentication but there might be a easier way depending on the protocols supported by your auth endpoint.
Hi ismcagdas, The authentication is developed by other third party not by our team. The protocol it uses is https.
Hi Sachin,
Sorry for my late reply. Did you figure out the problem ? If not, can you use this endpoint (/secikione/rest/async-ikione/v1/login) from another web app ?