- What is your product version? 10.5
- What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
- What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core
- single solution
When impersonating a tenant, the site just redirects to the login page without any error. It works fine when debugging locally but not when deployed to Azure as a single solution.
It appears that when the FE redirects to https://sitename/?impersonationToken=<sometoken>&tenantId=<tenantid> that the backend just redirects the request to index.html and does not pass along the query parameters.
I've replicated this problem in a clean project download. You can test here: https://testanz105.azurewebsites.net/account/login
5 Answer(s)
Hi @japnolt
Thanks, I have requested the test credentials via email. We will take a look at this problem after your reply.
@ismcagdas Any update?
Hi @japnolt
I figured out the problem. This happens when you host both apps under the same website.
In impersonation.service.ts, could you change impersonate function as below;
impersonate(userId: number, tenantId?: number): void { const input = new ImpersonateInput(); input.userId = userId; input.tenantId = tenantId; this._accountService.impersonate(input) .subscribe((result: ImpersonateOutput) => { this._authService.logout(false); let targetUrl = this._appUrlService.getAppRootUrlOfTenant(result.tenancyName) + 'index.html?impersonationToken=' + result.impersonationToken; if (input.tenantId) { targetUrl = targetUrl + '&tenantId=' + input.tenantId; } location.href = targetUrl; }); }
The change is, I have added
to the targetUrl parameter calculation. -
Thanks @ismcagdas,
I came up with a similar solution. I added a non-existant "page" to the path.
this._accountService.impersonateTenant(input).subscribe((result: ImpersonateOutput) => { let targetUrl = this._appUrlService.getAppRootUrlOfTenant(result.tenancyName) + 'it?impersonationToken=' + result.impersonationToken; if (input.tenantId) { targetUrl = targetUrl + '&tenantId=' + input.tenantId; } this._authService.logout(true, targetUrl); });
note the "it" before ?impersonationToken
Yes, this also works becasue not found URL's are redirected to index.html in merged solution.