Hello Folks,
I purchased ASPNET Zero last year for one of my dream project. But due to covid and other fund related issue we couldn't start this.
Now my few friends suggesting me to use React as frontend end. So how can we fit ASPNET zero product to run with React based setup?
We may use the backend part only and we can replace entire angular front end with React one. But is there any other option available so that we can get previllage of UI parts as well?
Does ASPNETZERO supports react as well ?
Best Regards,
Pawan Agrawal.
3 Answer(s)
Hi @SaiSeva
You can use AspNet Zero with any kind of client application. We officially share our application with angular and razor pages. And our power tools support only these two client applications for the client-side. So if you use angular or Mvc project you can generate your client-side automatically too. Other than that, you won't have any problems.
Thanks for update !
So it means i can use backend part(API) only for react, right ?
Is there any plan to share React based client application in future ? I think it's on demand so you should consider this one as well.
One more thing can I use my pending incident limit for next year ?
Hi @SaiSeva
So it means i can use backend part(API) only for react, right ?
Yes, this is correct. For authentication, you can check https://docs.aspnetzero.com/en/aspnet-core-angular/latest/Features-Angular-Token-Based-Authentication. You can implement a similar approach in a React app.
Currently, we don't have a plan to create a React client.
One more thing can I use my pending incident limit for next year ?
If you extend your license, yes, you can use it. If your license expires, you can't.