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I got the following error at http://localhost:4200 #10901

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muhittincelik created


Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • 11.0.1
  • Angular
  • .NetCore

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'CdkVirtualScrollViewport' is neither 'ComponentType' or 'DirectiveType'.

Error: 'CdkVirtualScrollViewport' is neither 'ComponentType' or 'DirectiveType'.

at extractDirectiveDef (:4200/vendor.js:112668:15)

at (<anonymous>)

at def.directiveDefs (:4200/vendor.js:112643:18)

at createTView (:4200/vendor.js:121444:13)

at getOrCreateTComponentView (:4200/vendor.js:121392:28)

at addComponentLogic (:4200/vendor.js:122163:19)

at instantiateAllDirectives (:4200/vendor.js:122004:13)

at createDirectivesInstances (:4200/vendor.js:121355:5)

at Module.ɵɵelementStart (:4200/vendor.js:126245:9)

at UserDelegationsModalComponent_Template (:4200/main.js:13598:69)

at resolvePromise (:4200/polyfills.js:5585:31)

at resolvePromise (:4200/polyfills.js:5539:17)

at :4200/polyfills.js:5651:17

at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (:4200/polyfills.js:4778:31)

at Object.onInvokeTask (:4200/vendor.js:137160:33)

at ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (:4200/polyfills.js:4777:60)

at Zone.runTask (:4200/polyfills.js:4550:47)

at drainMicroTaskQueue (:4200/polyfills.js:4954:35)

1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @muhittincelik

    Could you try two things;

    1. Remove node_modules folder and package-lock.json (if exists) in angular folder. Then, install NPM packages using the yarn command and see if it works.
    2. If #1 doesn't work, could you download v11.1 RC1 version and see if you face same problem on that version.
