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Select2 Component issue
here we use metronic 8 Select2 component but it's look like this
We found these js files are not supported
When we use these url's it's working fine -
look like this -
Please help us!
4 Answer(s)
Hi @kansoftware
Could you use the original JS files and see if the select2 works on DemoUIComponents page ? If it is working as expected, could you share your CSHTML and JS files related to this problem ?
@{ ViewBag.CurrentPageName = ""; } @section Styles { } @section Scripts { }
Trade Order
@* [Vehicles header info]*@@(Model.IsEditMode ? @L("EditVehicle") : @L("CreateNewVehicle"))
@L("PANNumber") @L("GSTNumber") @L("GSTExempted") @L("Retailer") @L("ProductGroup") @L("ProductDetails")
(function () { $("#ddlStockist").select2(); })();
On Demo UI COmponent UI Page It's look like this in below image
Any update on it?
The Id of the select component might be different. Could you change this
@Html.DropDownList("ddlStockist", new SelectList(ViewBag.StockistList, "CustID", "StockistName", ""), @L("SelectAstockist"), new { @class = "form-select form-select-solid fw-bold" })
to this one
@Html.DropDownList("ddlStockist", new SelectList(ViewBag.StockistList, "CustID", "StockistName", ""), @L("SelectAstockist"), new { @class = "form-select form-select-solid fw-bold select2" })
and change this
(function () { $("#ddlStockist").select2(); })();
to this one
(function () { $(".select2").select2(); })();
and see if it works ?