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The Date-Picker-Luxon-Modifier-Directive.ts appears to have a bug for me. Current code causes DateTime inputs values to go NULL in ngx-bootstrap modals the SECOND time I activate the modal which have the DateTime inputs in it
Notable details I am using postgres as my db with the driver flag "Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehavior" set to true
I programmatically open the modal like so
openModal() {, {
initialState: {
dto: this.dto,
DTO date values are set directly to the UI: (modal.component.html)
<input class="form-control form-control-sm" type="datetime" bsDatepicker datePickerLuxonModifier [(date)]="dto.due" />
Date-Picker-Luxon-Modifier-Directive Code:
ngOnChanges({ date }: SimpleChanges) {
if (date && date.currentValue && !compare(date.currentValue, date.previousValue)) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (date.currentValue instanceof DateTime) {
this.bsDatepicker.bsValue = date.currentValue.toJSDate();
} else {
let year = date.currentValue.getFullYear();
let month = date.currentValue.getMonth();
let day = date.currentValue.getDate();
this.bsDatepicker.bsValue = this._dateTimeService.createJSDate(year, month, day);
}, 0);
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
this.bsDatepicker.bsValue = null;
}, 0);
Date-Picker-Luxon-Modifier-Directive Code Fix:
ngOnChanges({ date }: SimpleChanges) {
if (date && date.currentValue) {
if (!compare(date.currentValue, date.previousValue)) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (date.currentValue instanceof DateTime) {
this.bsDatepicker.bsValue = date.currentValue.toJSDate();
} else {
let year = date.currentValue.getFullYear();
let month = date.currentValue.getMonth();
let day = date.currentValue.getDate();
this.bsDatepicker.bsValue = this._dateTimeService.createJSDate(year, month, day);
}, 0);
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
this.bsDatepicker.bsValue = null;
}, 0);
1 Answer(s)
Sorry for my late reply. Could you create an issue on We will test and fix this problem in a short time.