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I'm trying to add some custom data filtering in CreateFilterExpression method.
Expression<Func<BookingEntity, bool>> entityTypes = e =>
e.Type == AccountAssociationType.Shipper
&& ((e.AccountId == 4958 && e.Booking.AccountId == 2) || (e.AccountId == 4969 && e.Booking.AccountId == 3));
I've already built the condition using PredicateBuilder.
Expression<Func<BookingEntity, bool>> entityTypesPredicate = PredicateBuilder.New<BookingEntity>(true);
entityTypesPredicate = entityTypesPredicate.And(w => w.Type == AccountAssociationType.Shipper);
Expression<Func<BookingEntity, bool>> predicateAssociations = PredicateBuilder.New<BookingEntity>(true);
foreach (var a in AvailableContactAssociations)
predicateAssociations = predicateAssociations.Or(w => w.AccountId == a.Key && w.Booking.AccountId == a.Value);
entityTypesPredicate = entityTypesPredicate.And(predicateAssociations);
Since entityTypesPredicate is built only when the application starts, how can use it every time I want to use it while building the FilterExpression?
AvailableContactAssociations looks like:
protected virtual List<ContactAssociation> AvailableContactAssociations
Any tip? What am I missing?
5 Answer(s)
We are using a similar approach for TenantId. If you get the value of filter field using a method as exmpled here https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Articles\How-To\add-custom-data-filter-ef-core#configure-dbcontext, it will be executed every time when the filter is executed.
Hi ismcagdas,
That's what I've foudn and implement in another usecase that I have in my solution. The question here is, the sql to built is a little more complex than have a List<int> and apply a .Contains on it. I have a List<int,int> and I need to apply them in a .Any filter. I can't find a solution to build it directly via lambda expressions so I was trying to use a PredicateBuilder and apply it.
No luck yet. Any tip?
Have you tried something like this;
Expression<Func<BookingEntity, bool>> entityTypesPredicate = GetEntityTypesFilterExpression();
and move your code to GetEntityTypesFilterExpression method which you will create ?
To achieve that, i had to built my own CombineExpressions method.
Expression<Func<T, bool>> CombineExpressions<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression1, Expression<Func<Booking, bool>> expression2) { var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T)); var leftVisitor = new ReplaceExpressionVisitor(expression1.Parameters[0], parameter); var left = leftVisitor.Visit(expression1.Body); var rightVisitor = new ReplaceExpressionVisitor(expression2.Parameters[0], parameter); var right = rightVisitor.Visit(expression2.Body); return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.AndAlso(left, right), parameter); }
Function GetBookingPredicate only runs when building the Context. It doesn't run each time I perform a query to db.
protected Expression<Func<Booking, bool>> GetBookingPredicate() { Expression<Func<Booking, bool>> entityTypesPredicate = PredicateBuilder.New<Booking>(true); return entityTypesPredicate; } protected override Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> CreateFilterExpression<TEntity>() { var expression = base.CreateFilterExpression<TEntity>(); if (typeof(IAmBooking).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TEntity))) { Expression<Func<Booking, bool>> havePortFilter = GetBookingPredicate(); expression = CombineExpressions(expression, havePortFilter); } }
What am I missing? Thanks.
Hi @rcasaca
Is it possible to share your solution or a reproduction solution with us via email ([email protected]) ?