API 9.2.0 Angular UI
I'm using the code from the user Angular component as a template to import data from an Excel spreadsheet. The importing process is working very well. What I'm needing is a solution to get an eventId to the server. I need that id when I import the data into the db. So far I've tried using params in the HttpClient post() as such below:
//.post<any>(this.uploadUrl, formData)
.post<any>(this.uploadUrl, formData, {params: {'guestEventId': this.guestEventId.toString()}})
.pipe(finalize(() => this.excelFileUpload.clear()))
.subscribe(response => {
<br> The Url is appended as expected a https://localhost:44301/GuestEvent/ImportAttendeesFromExcel?guestEventId=21 like this. But the GuestEventController does not know how to deal with the appended parameters. I don't have to do it this way if you have another solution? Or if you could give me some advice as to how to deal with the 'new' Url so I can use and then how to grab the parameters once I get to my method on the server: <br>
public async Task<JsonResult> ImportAttendeesFromExcel()
var eventAttendeeFile = Request.Form.Files.First();
<br> The above is a snippet from the controller code that is catching the JsonResult. Any advice would be awesome!
1 Answer(s)
I found a solid solution and thought I'd post it here:
In my .ts file I added a formData.append()
uploadExcel(data: { files: File }): void { const formData: FormData = new FormData(); const file = data.files[0]; formData.append('file', file, file.name); formData.append('guestEventId', this.guestEventId.toString());
<br> Then on the server, I added the following roughed in code <br>
[HttpPost] public async Task<JsonResult> ImportAttendeesFromExcel() { long currentGuestEventId = 0; try { var eventAttendeeFile = Request.Form.Files.First(); var hasGuestEventId = Request.Form.ContainsKey("guestEventId"); _logger.Warn("Has GuestEventId: " + hasGuestEventId); var formKeys = Request.Form.Keys; foreach (var formKey in Request.Form) { var guestEventId = formKey.Value; _logger.Warn("GuestEventId: " + guestEventId); currentGuestEventId = long.Parse(guestEventId); _logger.Warn("GuestEventId Int64: " + currentGuestEventId); } if (eventAttendeeFile == null) { throw new UserFriendlyException("You must submit a file"); }
<br> I have some clean up to do but it is working well. Just thought I'd share.