Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.
- What is your product version? 11.0.0
- What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
- What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .NET Core
Hello Team, Currently we are looking to declare third-party license notice. So we need full list of third-party libary used in Angualr (Front-End) and .NET Core (Backend) by ANZ in 11.0.0 version with license notice link. Also we are finding third-party license notice on your site but we unable to find that so please let us know if you have any.
We have few questions as below:
- ANZ changed any third-party library which is used because notice to that effect as per Apache License 2.0 after Section 4 Redistribution definition.
- Do you have the mm (Myanmar) add-on icon original flag license?
- EPPlus library used in .NET Core project? If yes then it under LGPL (Lesser General Public License) or GNU Library General Public License?
- Hangfire is under LGPL v.3 or are private forks?
Also we need your help that do we really need to declare all third-party license used by ANZ?
5 Answer(s)
- We haven't modified any library on this purpose.
- Couldn't understand this one. Could you share the related library URL ?
- We have moved from EPPLus to NPOI.
- We used hangfire as is, so we don't depend on any private for of it.
You can cehck and for server side libraries.
We may update the related documents to include license types of each library but we don't use any paid library expect Metronic in our product. But, this will take some time for us to complete.
For Myanmar, yes, famfamfam contains this flag, you can use
<i class="famfamfam-flags mm"></i>
Thanks for update ismcagdas. As we can see that Metronics is paid product. So we don't need to declare any notice for that component right?
Sorry for my late reply. Yes, you don't need to. AspNet Zero includes Metronic License.