- What is your product version?
- 11.3.0
- What is your product type (Angular or MVC)?
- Angular
- What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)?
- .Net Core 6.0
If issue is about UI
- Which theme are you using?
- Metronic (I suppose is 8.0.26 or 8.0.38)
- What are the theme settings?
- Default theme (demo 1)
I'm struggling to make the Metronic "kt-menu" dropdown menus to work on the dynamically loaded Cards in the footer sections. Reading the Metronic documentation I was pointed to re-initialize the MenuComponent after the dynamic content is loaded.
Tried with the following code in the mypage.component.ts:
refreshMenus(): void {
I noticed that MenuComponent.reinitialization()
actually calls MenuComponent.createInstances('[data-kt-menu="true"]');
I was able to make dropdown menus to work on all Cards only if I manully click on a button which calls the refreshMenus() function which gives me an indication that MenuComponent.reinitialization()
works however I cannot make it work with any combination of using the Angular life-cycle hooks (AfterViewInit, AfterContentInit, OnInit, etc) when the pages load.
Is there any other way to solve my challenge?
Any help will be hightly appreciated!
4 Answer(s)
Hi @astrea
Could you share how you are creating the dynamic items ? Are they loaded in cshtml or via JavaScript ? It would be great if you can share the related code as well.
I assume, you are calling
before the items are loaded like you said. -
Hi @ismcagdas,
Let me try to provide the relavant code. I cut as much irrelevant stuff as possible
<div [class]="containerClass"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xl-6" *ngFor="let vm of labViewModel?.virtualMachinesViewModels"> <div class="card mb-7 edulab-vm"> <div class="card-footer text-end"> <div class="d-flex flex-stack"> <div> <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-active-light-primary me-2" data-kt-menu-trigger="click"> BBB2 </button> <div class="menu menu-sub menu-sub-lg-down-accordion menu-sub-lg-dropdown menu-rounded-0 py-lg-4 w-lg-225px" data-kt-menu="true"> <div class="menu-item px-3"> <span class="menu-link py-3"> </span> <span class="menu-title" data-link="#">Some menu title</span> </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
private refreshVirtualApplicationStatusTimer: Observable<number> = timer(0, this.refreshVirtualApplicationStatusIntervalSeconds * 1000); ngOnInit(): void { // Read Lab ID from URL parameter this.getLabIdFromUrlParameter().then(labId => { this.labId = labId; this.loadLabDetails(); // Periodic VAPP refresh this.refreshVirtualApplicationStatusSubscription = this.refreshVirtualApplicationStatusTimer.subscribe(async () => { await this.refreshVirtualApplication(); }); }); } loadLabDetails() { this.loadVirtualApplicationAndInitializeUI(this.labId); } private async loadVirtualApplicationAndInitializeUI(labId: string): Promise<LabInstanceDto> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.loadVirtualApplication(labId) .then(labDto => { if (this.processLabModel(labDto)) { if (this.labViewModel !== undefined) { this._pageTitleService.setPageTitle(; } } else { reject(); } }) .finally(() => { }); }); } private async loadVirtualApplication(vappId: string): Promise<LabInstanceDto> { return this._labService.getLabDetails(vappId) .toPromise() .then((labDto) => { return labDto; }) .catch((error) => { return null; }); } private async refreshVirtualApplication(): Promise<LabInstanceViewModel> { return this.loadVirtualApplication(this.labId) .then(labDto => { this.processLabModel(labDto); return this.labViewModel; }) .catch(error => { abp.log.error(error); return null; }).finally(() => { }); }
So, where do you set
? As an option, does taht work if you wrapMenuComponent.reinitialization
with a setTimeout function ? -
Thank you for the tip! Wrapping the function in the setTimeout solved the problem! Also needed to move the refreshMenu function to the labViewModel.
Kind Regards, Matt