i'm trying to ad a new entity to the SimpleTaskSystem example project
in order to add a "car" entity and everything it needs to be displayed i did exactly this till now:
create the "car" entity
create the a new repositoty for the new entity
create the ApplicationLayer a dn relative DTOs + input/output objects
create views and relative angulars'controller file
at this poin i got this error into the browser consolle:
Error: [$injector:unpr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.8/$injector/unpr?p0=abp.services.tasksystem.carProvider%20%3C-%20abp.services.tasksystem.car%20%3C-%20sts.views.car.list
at Anonymous function (http://localhost:6247/Scripts/angular.min.js:38:301)
i suppose the problem is the name of the angular services that i used in my angular controller (in my case 'abp.services.tasksystem.car')
the question is:
is this angular service autogenerated?
is the naming convention (that i used) correct supposing that i have an ApplicationLayer that is named "CarAppServices" and has a method named "GetFreeCarsOutput"
did i miss something after the point "4"? did i have to add something else other than view and controller?
public class CarAppServices : ApplicationService, ICarAppServices
private readonly ICarRepository _carRepository;
private readonly IRepository _personRepository;
public CarAppServices(ICarRepository carRepository, IRepository personRepository)
_carRepository = carRepository;
_personRepository = personRepository;
public GetFreeCarsOutput GetFreeCars(GetFreeCarsInput input)
var cars = _carRepository.GetAllFreeCars(input.MaxSpeed);
return new GetFreeCarsOutput
Cars = Mapper.Map>(cars)
(function() {
var app = angular.module('app');
var controllerId = 'sts.views.car.list';
app.controller(controllerId, [
'$scope', 'abp.services.tasksystem.car',
function($scope, carService) {
var vm = this;
var myCars = carService.getAllFreeCars({
18 Answer(s)
Try renaming ICarAppServices to ICarAppService and CarAppServices to CarAppService. From the documentation (<a class="postlink" href="http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Dynamic-Web-API">http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/ ... ic-Web-API</a>):
"To calculate service name: Service and AppService postfixes and I prefix is removed (for interfaces). Also, service name is converted to camel case."
You can see all generated services by this URL:
~/api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll?type=angular -
i also have same error
i have an
ImemberprofileAppService interface and memberProfileAppService class filesthe above two files present in application in MemberProfiles folder
i used this in .js file
i have the following coding in webapi
.ForAll<IApplicationService>(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(MYVEOApplicationModule)), "tasksystem")
.Build();what is the service name in this case please give an answer....???? please
Have you open the URL .../api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll ?
You can see names of your services here. -
sir i have use this script in my html page..!! but same problem..
<script src="/api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/api/AbpServiceProxies/Get?name=tasksystem/task" type="text/javascript"></script> -
sir i had send you all my coding part to you in your first to learn forum article please help me out sir
ImemberprofileAppService code
namespace MYVEO.MemberProfiles { public interface ImemberprofileAppService:IApplicationService { GetTasksOutput GetTasks(GetTasksInput input); void UpdateTask(UpdateTaskInput input); void CreateTask(CreateTaskInput input); } }
memberprofileAppService code
namespace MYVEO.MemberProfiles { public class memberprofileAppService : ApplicationService, ImemberprofileAppService { private ImemberprofileRepository _taskRepository; ///
///In constructor, we can get needed classes/interfaces. ///They are sent here by dependency injection system automatically. /// public memberprofileAppService(ImemberprofileRepository taskRepository) { _taskRepository = taskRepository; } public GetTasksOutput GetTasks(GetTasksInput input) { //Called specific GetAllWithPeople method of task repository. var tasks = _taskRepository.memberGetAll(); //Used AutoMapper to automatically convert List to List. return new GetTasksOutput { //Tasks = Mapper.Map>(tasks) }; } public void UpdateTask(UpdateTaskInput input) { } public void CreateTask(CreateTaskInput input) { // Logger.Info("Creating a task for input: " + input); var tasks = new memberprofile { MemberCode=input.MemberCode, Firstname=input.Firstname, Lastname=input.Lastname, MiddleInitial=input.MiddleInitial, Additional=input.MiddleInitial, DOB=input.DOB, Email=input.Email, PhoneNo=input.PhoneNo, Extension=input.Extension }; _taskRepository.Insert(tasks); } }Coding in webapi
DynamicApiControllerBuilder .ForAll(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(MYVEOApplicationModule)), "tasksystem") .Build();
Javascript code
(function () { var app = angular.module('app'); var controllerId = 'insertcontroller'; app.controller(controllerId, [ '$scope', '$location', 'abp.services.tasksystem.memberprofile', function ($scope, $location,memberprofileService) { var vm = this; vm.tasks = { Membercode:'', FirstName:'', Lastname:'', MiddleInitial:'', Additional:'', DOB:null, Email:'', PhoneNo:'', Extension:'' }; var localize = abp.localization.getSource('MYVEO'); vm.saveTask = function() { abp.ui.setBusy( null, memberprofileService.createTask( vm.tasks ).success(function() { //abp.notify.info(abp.utils.formatString(localize("TaskCreatedMessage"), vm.task.description)); $location.path('/'); }) ); }; } ]); })();
html page coding
Member Profile
MemberCode*First Name *Last NameMiddle InitialAdditionalDate Of Birth*Email *Contact Number*(Ex-987-666-4323)Extensionerror
Error: [$injector:unpr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.15/$injector/unpr?p0=abp.services.tasksystem.memberprofileProvider%20%3C-%20abp.services.tasksystem.memberprofile%20%3C- 0nsertcontroller
please help me out sir
waiting for reply
thank you -
OK, but please just open .../api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll?type=angular in your browser and paste the contents here.
It will be similar like that: <a class="postlink" href="http://qasample.aspnetboilerplate.com/api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll?type=angular">http://qasample.aspnetboilerplate.com/a ... pe=angular</a>
sir after opening following link in my browser its blank page...??? now what the next step to work it out..???
<a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6234/api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll?type=angular">http://localhost:6234/api/AbpServicePro ... pe=angular</a>
please reply
thank you -
That's strange.. Can you debug to see if this code is called:
.ForAll<IApplicationService>(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(MYVEOApplicationModule)), "tasksystem")
.Build();??? How did you created your project? With the templates?
yes sir i have created project with template and also check by debug the code..
yes sir i used a template ...
At this point, the only thing I can is that: zip and send me your project, I will try it myself. Is that possible?
sir want to know your email id...???
thank you so much sir for your support
internal error occurs during your request means ...???
please reply..
thank you -
It means a server side error happen and it's hided from end user.
You can see Logs folder of Web project.
For more information, please read the Exception Handling doc: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Handling-Exceptions">http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/ ... Exceptions</a> -
thank you sir for all your support and guidance
i want to know the use of Get() method in boilerplate ...??? I am using it but getting error may i know the the important points to remember for use of Get() method ..??
I am getting errors from autogenerated webAPI.
Here is the content after hitting that url: ../api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll?type=angular(function (abp, angular) {
if (!angular) { return; } var abpModule = angular.module('abp'); abpModule.factory('abp.services.app.session', [ '$http', function ($http) { return new function () { this.getCurrentLoginInformations = function (httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/session/GetCurrentLoginInformations', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({}) }, httpParams)); }; }; } ]);
})((abp || (abp = {})), (angular || undefined));
(function (abp, angular) {
if (!angular) { return; } var abpModule = angular.module('abp'); abpModule.factory('abp.services.app.user', [ '$http', function ($http) { return new function () { this.prohibitPermission = function (input, httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/user/ProhibitPermission', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(input) }, httpParams)); }; this.removeFromRole = function (userId, roleName, httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/user/RemoveFromRole?userId=' + escape(userId) + '&roleName=' + escape(roleName) + '', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({}) }, httpParams)); }; }; } ]);
})((abp || (abp = {})), (angular || undefined));
(function (abp, angular) {
if (!angular) { return; } var abpModule = angular.module('abp'); abpModule.factory('abp.services.app.role', [ '$http', function ($http) { return new function () { this.updateRolePermissions = function (input, httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/role/UpdateRolePermissions', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(input) }, httpParams)); }; }; } ]);
})((abp || (abp = {})), (angular || undefined));
(function (abp, angular) {
if (!angular) { return; } var abpModule = angular.module('abp'); abpModule.factory('abp.services.app.tenant', [ '$http', function ($http) { return new function () { this.getTenants = function (httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/tenant/GetTenants', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({}) }, httpParams)); }; this.createTenant = function (input, httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/tenant/CreateTenant', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(input) }, httpParams)); }; }; } ]);
})((abp || (abp = {})), (angular || undefined));
(function (abp, angular) {
if (!angular) { return; } var abpModule = angular.module('abp'); abpModule.factory('abp.services.app.person', [ '$http', function ($http) { return new function () { this.getAllPeople = function (httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/person/GetAllPeople', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({}) }, httpParams)); }; }; } ]);
})((abp || (abp = {})), (angular || undefined));
(function (abp, angular) {
if (!angular) { return; } var abpModule = angular.module('abp'); abpModule.factory('abp.services.app.task', [ '$http', function ($http) { return new function () { this.getTasks = function (input, httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/task/GetTasks', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(input) }, httpParams)); }; this.updateTask = function (input, httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/task/UpdateTask', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(input) }, httpParams)); }; this.createTask = function (input, httpParams) { return $http(angular.extend({ abp: true, url: abp.appPath + 'api/services/app/task/CreateTask', method: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify(input) }, httpParams)); }; }; } ]);
})((abp || (abp = {})), (angular || undefined));
Can you share the error.
Output script seems good.