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We are using multiple social external login providers. When attempting to register with the deleted users again, we are having trouble. These are the actions that we took.
- Using [email protected] as the user's first external social login (KeyClock). In addition to creating a new external provider in the AbpUserLogins table, it also generates a new user in the AbpUsers table.
- The user is operating without any problems.
- The administrator removed [email protected] from the manage users page. The AbpUsers table indicated that the user had been softly deleted.
- Attempt to register the same user ([email protected]) once more using the same external login service (KeyClock).
- An internal server error is thrown. We cannot register the same user more than once.
Because the provider key is unique and the application prevents the creation of the same provider key, according to our analysis, we must delete the same user from the AbpUserLogins table. For the time being, we're going to use a method that deletes users simultaneously from the AbpUsers and the AbpUserLogins (Step 3 from above steps) tables.
Is this the best option, or should the AbpUserLogins table's soft deletion be enabled instead?
Github ticket: https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/4696
1 Answer(s)
Hi @HarshG
I have requested your external login service for keycloack. We can continue via GitHub for this issue.