.NET Core
After login to App - and return to public site - how can we make a direct access to the App.
Tried a lot of options - but always end up, at the App: Login page.
Can we open the App with the accessToken that is returned from the login?
7 Answer(s)
Hi @deltavision
Normally, when a user logins via admin website, it must store the cookie and when user is redirected to base path of the admin application, user must be logged in. Is your app published ? If so, can we test this scenario on your app ?
Hi @ismcagdas
yes it is published - can I mail you information for check?
Yes, please send it to info@aspnetzero.com.
Hi @ismcagdas
another issue - from #11069
After Login return to public site, not getting the logged in user information.
This works in development -
Hi @deltavision
Let's keep the conversation via email. I got the problem wrong at first. Now, I understand the problem.
We have replied to your email. We can share the solution here once we solve the problem. -
Correcting the server time manually solved the problem.
Comment to solution.
Server time was few minutes ahead of client.
Therefore the token timeout period was passed, and login failed.