Hello, I'm using version 11.3, Angular .Net Core.
I tried extending the OrganizationUnit class by following documentation, but came to a bizarre behaviour in OrganizationUnitAppService's UpdateOrganizationUnit method.
Here is my new class:
public class OrganizationUnitExtended: OrganizationUnit
[Range(OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MinDDDefaultDay, OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MinDDDefaultDay)]
public int DirectDebitPreferedDay { get; set; }
I ran the Migrations and thus added the column in DB.
Then, I created a DBSet for my new class in DBContext class:
public virtual DbSet OrganizationUnitsExtended { get; set; }
In OrganizationUnitAppService, I replaced
private readonly IRepository _organizationUnitRepository;
private readonly IRepository _organizationUnitRepository;
I also changed OrganizationUnitDto to include my new property, and created a new UpdateOrganizationUnitExtendedInput.
public class UpdateOrganizationUnitExtendedInput
[Range(1, long.MaxValue)]
public long Id { get; set; }
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
[Range(OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MaxDDDefaultDay, OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MinDDDefaultDay)]
public int DirectDebitPreferedDay { get; set; }
I then changed UpdateOrganizationUnit method to this:
public async Task UpdateOrganizationUnit(UpdateOrganizationUnitExtendedInput input)
var organizationUnit = await _organizationUnitRepository.GetAsync(input.Id);
organizationUnit.DisplayName = input.DisplayName;
await _organizationUnitRepository.UpdateAsync(organizationUnit);
return ObjectMapper.Map(organizationUnit);
I have no trouble retrieving OrganizationUnit from this appService, but whenever I call UpdateOrganizationUnit, I get a 500 response, without ever reaching the method (Breakpoints inside the methos are not reached).
Is there something obvious I'm missing?
3 Answer(s)
Hi @Hammer
If you are seeing HTTP 500, then there must be an error log in Logs.txt file under App_Data/Logs folder. Could you check that ?
My problem was due to the fact that no log is recorded anywhere on my computer, apparently. After checking a bit everywhere online, I found that I could still check the output directly in VS, in the output window by selecting the Web.Host output.
Obvious, but if you don't know...
Problem was about a validator that was incorrectly set.[Range(OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MaxDDDefaultDay, OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MinDDDefaultDay)] public int DirectDebitPreferedDay { get; set; }
Should be
[Range(OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MinDDDefaultDay, OrganizationUnitExtendedConsts.MaxDDDefaultDay)] public int DirectDebitPreferedDay { get; set; }
One thing remains to be seen: why don't I have any record of the logs in my IIS Express directory ?...
These errors should be logged to App_Data/Logs/Logs.txt file under your website. If this is happening on production, your app might not have write permission for this folder.