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Best practice #11959

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Bernard created


I wanted to know if the method below was correct and corresponded to the right way to do things given the framework : I have to update an entity named "Conventions" after adding a row of the "LigneConvention" entity in order to make the total on a field called TotalHT and update it in the Convention table

Here is the code :

` public virtual async Task CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditLigneConventionDto input) {

 if (input.Id == null)
     input.Intitule = input.FormationDisplayProperty;
     await Create(input);

     //Update Convention values
     var totalHTLg = _ligneConventionRepository.GetAll().Where(x => x.ConventionId == input.ConventionId).Sum(x => x.TotalHT);
     var conventionToUpdate = await _lookup_conventionRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync((int)input.ConventionId);
     conventionToUpdate.TotalHT = totalHTLg + input.TotalHT;

     await _lookup_conventionRepository.UpdateAsync(conventionToUpdate);

     await Update(input);
     //Update Convention values
     var ligneconvention = await _ligneConventionRepository.GetAllListAsync();
     var totalHTlg=ligneconvention.Where(x => x.ConventionId == input.ConventionId).Sum(x => x.TotalHT);
     var conventionToUpdate = await _lookup_conventionRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync((int)input.ConventionId);
     conventionToUpdate.TotalHT = totalHTlg;

     await _lookup_conventionRepository.UpdateAsync(conventionToUpdate);


2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @Bernard

    Yes, you can use this approach.

  • User Avatar
    Bernard created

    Thks very much 😀