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DynamicEntityProperties #12026

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Bernard created


Is it possible to display a dynamic entity properties, in a view and how please ? The objective being to dynamically display the position and the dynamic field in a view


6 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi Bernard,

    You can use GetAllDynamicEntityPropertyValues method of DynamicEntityPropertyValueAppService to get all dynamic property values of an entity. Then, you can show any value you want.

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    Bernard created

    Hi Ismail

    Thks šŸ‘

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    Bernard created

    Sorry, but what are the arguments ?

    private readonly IDynamicEntityPropertyValueAppService _dynamicValues; var listdynamic = _dynamicValues.GetAllDynamicEntityPropertyValues(Person);??

    Should the service be called in a Js view like CreateorEdit.js for my entity an example would be welcome

    I tried with this method in PersonController :

    ``[AbpMvcAuthorize(AppPermissions.Pages_Contacts_Create, AppPermissions.Pages_Contacts_Create)]
    public async Task<ActionResult> CreateOrEdit(int? id)
        GetPersonForEditOutput getPersonForEditOutput;
        if (id.HasValue)
            getPersonForEditOutput = await _personsAppService.GetPersonForEdit(new EntityDto { Id = (int)id });
            getPersonForEditOutput = new GetPersonForEditOutput
                Person = new CreateOrEditPersonDto()
            getPersonForEditOutput.Person.Intitule = "A DEFINIR";
            getPersonForEditOutput.Person.Source = ListSource.BackOffice;
            getPersonForEditOutput.Person.Statut = ListeStatutPerson.ColdLead;
            getPersonForEditOutput.Person.DateNaissance = DateTime.Now;
        getPersonForEditOutput.Person.TypePerson = TypePerson.Physique;
        getPersonForEditOutput.Person.ProfilPhysique = ListeProfilPhysique.Contact;
        var allDynamicProperties = (await _dynamicPropertyAppService.GetAll()).Items.ToList();
        var definedPropertyIds = (await _dynamicEntityPropertyAppService.GetAllPropertiesOfAnEntity(new DynamicEntityPropertyGetAllInput() { EntityFullName = "Person" }))
            .Items.Select(x => x.DynamicPropertyId).ToList();
        var viewModel = new CreateOrEditPersonViewModel()
            Person = getPersonForEditOutput.Person,
            PersonIntitule = getPersonForEditOutput.PersonIntitule,
            DynamicProperties = allDynamicProperties.Where(x => !definedPropertyIds.Contains(x.Id)).ToList()
        return View(viewModel);

    Is it right ? I don't know how display Values in View

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    If you only want to show these fields, you can call it via JS as we do in Users page in Index.js file. If you want to show values in a different view model, you can call GetAllDynamicEntityPropertyValues with the parameters below;

    _dynamicValues.GetAllDynamicEntityPropertyValues(new GetAllDynamicEntityPropertyValuesInput()
                    EntityFullName = typeof(Person).FullName,
                    EntityId = id.ToString()
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    Bernard created


    I would like to save it also.


    Iā€™d like to display the good control combobox Date String I think on looping with switch case on type

     @foreach (var item in Model.DynamicProperties)
     <div class="mb-5">
         <label for="edp-create-modal-dynamicPropertyId" class="form-label">@item.PropertyName</label>
             @switch (item.InputType.Name)
            case "COMBOBOX" :
                                // code block
            case "SINGLE_LINE_STRING":
                                 // code block
             case "DATETIME":
                                // code block
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @Bernard

    In that case, you can directly use ManageAll.cshtml which handles property type and shows the correct UI control. I suggest you to open this modal as we do in User list page.