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Display image src issue #12088

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Bernard created


I follow the same method as displaying a user's photo but my code does not work, it's been several days and many tries, do you have an idea of ​​the origin of the issue ?

in view ` @if (Model.Person.PictureId !=null) { <img src="@Url.Action("GetPersonPictureByIdInternal", "Persons", new { area = string.Empty})?pictureId=@(Model.Person.PictureId)" width="128" height="128" class="img-thumbnail img-rounded user-edit-dialog-profile-image" />

} else { <img src="@Url.Content($"{ApplicationPath}Common/Images/default-profile-picture.png")" width="128" height="128" class="img-thumbnail img-rounded user-edit-dialog-profile-image" /> }`

In personsappservices

` public async Task

 var file = await _binaryObjectManager.GetOrNullAsync(picture);

 return new GetProfilePictureOutput(Convert.ToBase64String(file.Bytes));

} `

Thks for help

4 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Could you describe the problem as well ? Do you get any value when you debug the line below ?

    var file = await _binaryObjectManager.GetOrNullAsync(picture);

  • User Avatar
    Bernard created

    Hi I have value from line

    var file = await _binaryObjectManager.GetOrNullAsync(picture);

    but in console can display image message like below

  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    If you are using an image tag, then you need to return File response from server. You can create a Controller and return File as shown below;

    return File("LogUrl", mimeType);
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    Bernard created

    Hi, thanks it works fine