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Elsa integration: Method not found - Quartz.IServiceCollectionQuartzConfigurator.UseMicrosoftDependencyInjectionScopedJobFactory(System.Action`1<Quartz.JobFactoryOptions>) #12138

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pliaspzero created


I get this error


here my code:

private void ConfigureElsa(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddElsa(elsa => { elsa .UseEntityFrameworkPersistence(ef => ef.UseSqlServer(_appConfiguration.GetConnectionString("Default")) ) .AddConsoleActivities() .AddHttpActivities(_appConfiguration.GetSection("Elsa").GetSection("Server").Bind) .AddEmailActivities(_appConfiguration.GetSection("Smtp").Bind) .AddQuartzTemporalActivities() .AddJavaScriptActivities() //.AddWorkflow

      elsa.UseAutoMapper(() => { });

any idea how to fix?

1 Answer(s)
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    oguzhanagir created
    Support Team

    Hi **pliaspzero **

    If your project is Angular, have you implemented this blog post? If your project is MVC, have you implemented this blog post?

    Elsa v3 cannot be integrated into ASP.NET Zero application at the moment because it does not support studio dashboard. So make sure you are using ELSA v2.

    If the problem persists, can you share with us the details of the problem, which project type (Angular or MVC) and which version you are using?