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Dynamic Permissions #12248

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gjubber created


Hope you are well.

We want to implement dynamic permissions within our application and I wanted to find out if this is possible and/or if you can share any resources of how one could achieve this?

The scenario:

When adding a specific entity (eg. Category), we want to dynamically create a permission associated with this specific entity.

With a "normal" implementation, we would create the entity and "manually" create permissions for CRUD operations of the entity in the AppAuthorizationProvider. However, we want to give the users the ability to create/update/delete their own "categories", but we still want to associate permissions with that "category" in order to manage who will be able to use that "category".

I have found the following blog posts, but the examples mentioned is not 100% clear:


Any assistence with regards to this question is much appreciated.

Kind regards, Robert

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