I go the following error when i click "Export to Excel".
selectedColumns was null
AspNetZero Core, MVC 14.0.0
I created entity via RAD Tools and only 1 property names "Name".
4 Answer(s)
Hi @muhittincelik
Thank you for your report. Could you provide these details as well ?
What is the version of Power Tools ?
Is this a new project or did you upgrade an existing AspNet Zero project to latest version ?
Could you finally share the generated Json file ? You can find it under
I have the same problem:
Power Tools Version: 4.5.3
New project
After running npm run create-packages it is ok. It was missing _ExcelColumnSelectionModal.min.js.
I don't know why in DEBUG mode is not taking _ExcelColumnSelectionModal.js -
Hi @ncvitanovic
Here, the reason why selectedColumns was null before running the bundles command was that the javascript file that called the GetYourEntotyToExcel method was located in the Index javascript file of the relevant entity. However, when I ran the bundle command, it was generated and then moved to the _ExcelColumnSelectionModal javascript file. The reason why the file with .min extension is used here is that ModalManager and abp-src structures refer to files with .min extension. Here, these files are not minified in the development environment, but are minified when the bundle creation command for the production environment is run.