I've adapted own code for a clusterd inhouse Redis cache - I do not set DefaultDatabase - but I get below error - any hints how to fix?
at Abp.Runtime.Caching.Redis.AbpRedisCacheDatabaseProvider.GetDatabase()
Castle.MicroKernel.ComponentActivator.ComponentActivatorException: ComponentActivator: could not instantiate Abp.Runtime.Caching.Redis.AbpRedisCache
---> StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). Error connecting right now. To allow this multiplexer to continue retrying until it's able to connect, use abortConnect=false in your connection string or AbortOnConnectFail=false; in your code.
at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectImpl(ConfigurationOptions configuration, TextWriter writer, Nullable1 serverType, EndPointCollection endpoints) in /_/src/StackExchange.Redis/ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 716 at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(ConfigurationOptions configuration, TextWriter log) in /_/src/StackExchange.Redis/ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 678 at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(String configuration, TextWriter log) in /_/src/StackExchange.Redis/ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 656 at Abp.Runtime.Caching.Redis.AbpRedisCacheDatabaseProvider.CreateConnectionMultiplexer() at System.Lazy
1.ViaFactory(LazyThreadSafetyMode mode)
at System.Lazy1.ExecutionAndPublication(LazyHelper executionAndPublication, Boolean useDefaultConstructor) at System.Lazy
at Abp.Runtime.Caching.Redis.AbpRedisCacheDatabaseProvider.GetDatabase()
My code:
// Laden der Redis-Konfiguration aus den AppSettings
var redisConnectionString = _appConfiguration["Abp:RedisCache:ConnectionString"];
var redisDatabaseId = _appConfiguration.GetValue<int>("Abp:RedisCache:DatabaseId");
// Authentifizierungsdaten für Redis laden
var redisUser = _appConfiguration["Abp:RedisCache:RedisUsername"];
var redisPassword = _appConfiguration["Abp:RedisCache:RedisPassword"];
// Erstellen der Redis-Konfigurationsoptionen
var configurationOptions = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(redisConnectionString);
// SSL/TLS aktivieren für sichere Kommunikation
configurationOptions.Ssl = true;
configurationOptions.AbortOnConnectFail = false; // Verhindert, dass die Verbindung fehlschlägt, wenn Redis vorübergehend nicht erreichbar ist
configurationOptions.ClientName = "SignalRBackplaneWFMOne"; // Identifikationsname für den Redis-Client
// Timeout-Einstellungen zur Vermeidung von Verbindungsproblemen
configurationOptions.ConnectTimeout = 30000; // Maximale Verbindungszeit: 30 Sekunden
configurationOptions.SyncTimeout = 30000; // Maximale Zeit für synchrone Aufrufe: 30 Sekunden
configurationOptions.AsyncTimeout = 30000; // Maximale Zeit für asynchrone Operationen: 30 Sekunden
// Setzen der Authentifizierungsinformationen für Redis, falls konfiguriert
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redisPassword))
configurationOptions.Password = redisPassword;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redisUser))
configurationOptions.User = redisUser;
// Laden des CA-Zertifikats für die SSL-Verbindung
var baseCertPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Certificates");
var caCertFile = _appConfiguration["Abp:RedisCache:CaCertificateFile"];
// Fehlermeldung ausgeben, falls kein Zertifikat in der Konfiguration angegeben ist
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(caCertFile))
throw new InvalidOperationException("CA Certificate file path is missing in configuration.");
// Zusammenstellen des vollständigen Zertifikatspfads
var caCertPath = Path.Combine(baseCertPath, caCertFile);
// Überprüfen, ob das CA-Zertifikat existiert
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(caCertPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"CA Certificate not found: {caCertPath}. Ensure the file exists.");
// Laden des CA-Zertifikats aus der PEM-Datei
var caCertificates = new X509Certificate2Collection();
// Anpassen der Zertifikatsvalidierung mit einem benutzerdefinierten Trust Store
configurationOptions.CertificateValidation += (sender, cert, chain, errors) =>
if (cert != null && chain != null)
var cust_chain = new X509Chain();
cust_chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck; // Keine Überprüfung der Sperrlisten (Revocation Lists)
cust_chain.ChainPolicy.TrustMode = X509ChainTrustMode.CustomRootTrust; // Eigenen Trust Store nutzen
return cust_chain.Build(new X509Certificate2(cert)); // Validierung des übergebenen Zertifikats
return false;
// Registrieren von Redis als Backplane für SignalR
services.AddSignalR().AddStackExchangeRedis(options =>
options.Configuration = configurationOptions;
catch (RedisConnectionException redisEx)
// Erstellen einer Logging-Instanz
var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Startup>();
// **Detaillierte Fehlermeldung ausgeben, falls die Redis-Verbindung fehlschlägt**
logger.LogError(redisEx, "Redis connection failed. Exception Details: {Message}", redisEx.Message);
logger.LogError("Connection String: {ConnectionString}, Database ID: {DatabaseId}", redisConnectionString, redisDatabaseId);
logger.LogError("SSL: {Ssl}, SslHost: {SslHost}, AbortOnConnectFail: {AbortOnConnectFail}",
configurationOptions.Ssl, configurationOptions.SslHost, configurationOptions.AbortOnConnectFail);
logger.LogError("CA Certificate Path: {CaCertPath}", caCertPath);
// **Fällt auf In-Memory SignalR zurück, wenn Redis nicht erreichbar ist**
logger.LogWarning("Fallback to In-Memory SignalR due to Redis connection failure.");
5 Answer(s)
Hi @pliaspzero
Can you share the Connection String structure with us after hiding the private fields? It should be in the following structure.
"Abp": { "RedisCache": { "ConnectionString": "your.redis.server:6379,password=yourpassword,ssl=True", "DatabaseId": 0 } }
yes - done like that - I even try this own configuration - still no luck:
var redisOptions = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { "<myServer>redns.redis-cloud.com:18070" }, User = "default", Password = "mYPassword", Ssl = true, SslHost = "<myServer>redns.redis-cloud.com", AbortOnConnectFail = false };
var muxer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect( new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { { "myRedis.redns.redis-cloud.com", 18070 } }, User = "default", Password = "MyPassword" } ); var db = muxer.GetDatabase(0); // or your actual DB ID // Write a test key db.StringSet("test:key", "Hello from .NET"); // Read it back string value = db.StringGet("test:key");
var redisOptions = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { "myRedis.redns.redis-cloud.com:18071" }, User = "default", Password = "MyPassword", AbortOnConnectFail = false, ConnectTimeout = 10000, SyncTimeout = 10000, AsyncTimeout = 10000, DefaultDatabase = 0, Ssl = true, SslHost = "myRedis.redns.redis-cloud.com" }; services.AddSignalR().AddStackExchangeRedis(options => { options.Configuration = redisOptions; });
Hi @pliaspzero
Can you configure your Redis and SignalR settings as specified in the sample code below and check if this works in your scenario?
var redisOptions = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { "myRedis.redns.redis-cloud.com:18071" }, User = "default", Password = "MyPassword", AbortOnConnectFail = false, ConnectTimeout = 10000, SyncTimeout = 10000, AsyncTimeout = 10000, DefaultDatabase = 0, Ssl = true, SslHost = "myRedis.redns.redis-cloud.com" }; services.AddSignalR().AddStackExchangeRedis(redisOptions.EndPoints.ToString(), options => { options.ConnectionFactory = async writer => { return await ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync(redisOptions, writer); }; });
thanks - still no luck - same error - Chat proposed me this - what do you think?
public class CustomAbpRedisCacheDatabaseProvider : IAbpRedisCacheDatabaseProvider
private readonly Lazy<IDatabase> _database;public CustomAbpRedisCacheDatabaseProvider(IConfiguration configuration) { _database = new Lazy<IDatabase>(() => { var redisConnectionString = configuration["Abp:RedisCache:ConnectionString"]; var redisPassword = configuration["Abp:RedisCache:RedisPassword"]; var redisDatabaseId = configuration.GetValue<int>("Abp:RedisCache:DatabaseId"); var options = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { redisConnectionString }, Password = redisPassword, DefaultDatabase = redisDatabaseId, Ssl = true, AbortOnConnectFail = false, ClientName = "AbpRedisCache" }; // Zertifikat laden var baseCertPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Certificates"); var caCertPath = Path.Combine(baseCertPath, configuration["Abp:RedisCache:CaCertificateFile"]); var caCertificates = new X509Certificate2Collection(); caCertificates.ImportFromPemFile(caCertPath); options.CertificateValidation += (sender, cert, chain, errors) => { var cust_chain = new X509Chain(); cust_chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = X509RevocationMode.NoCheck; cust_chain.ChainPolicy.TrustMode = X509ChainTrustMode.CustomRootTrust; cust_chain.ChainPolicy.CustomTrustStore.AddRange(caCertificates); return cust_chain.Build(new X509Certificate2(cert)); }; var muxer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options); return muxer.GetDatabase(); }); } public IDatabase GetDatabase() { return _database.Value; }
Registrierung in deinem Startup-Modul
ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IAbpRedisCacheDatabaseProvider, CustomAbpRedisCacheDatabaseProvider>()
); -