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Problem Using Angular.js in MPA Application. #1318

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stephenos created


Kindly help resolving the following issues when we are working with AspNetZero.

  1. We are developing MPA application, we need to use angular js for some of the requirements, i tried bundling angular.js library in MpaBundlingconfig.cs. We are facing issue with left menu expand and collapse when we bundle angular.min.js library, it just hangs doesn't expand. Kindly suggest us is there anything else that i need to do to work with angular.js.

  2. Please provide the guidelines for getting datepickers and select2(multi select) components. we tried few ways to get it but we failed. We tried by applying the class

<div class="form-group form-md-line-input form-md-floating-label"> <input class="form-control@(Model.Holiday.Date.ToString().Equals(DateTime.MaxValue.ToString()) ? "" : " edited") datepicker" type="text" name="Date" value="@Model.Holiday.Date" required> <label>@L("Date")</label> </div>

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    For your first case, do you see any exception message on chrome's developer console ?

    for select2, you have to include select2 javascript & css files. On your page's document ready event just call select2 function on your html select element

          placeholder: "Select",
          width: 'auto', 
          allowClear: true

    For datepicker or datetimepicker, you should do the same.
