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Angular calling service is failed! #1326

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zokho created

I have got a service in Angular as below:

(function () {
    angular.module('app').factory('workType', ['',
            function (workTypeService) {
                var workType = this;
                workType.loadWorkTypes = function () {
                        .success(function (data) 
                            return data.workTypes;
                        .error(function (message) {

                return workType;

and a controller as

(function () {
    var controllerId = 'app.views.configuration.advertisementFields';
    angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, ['workType',
        function (workTypeService) {
            var vm = this;
            vm.loadWorkTypes = function () {
                var data = workTypeService.loadWorkTypes();

Here is my web API code:

public GetWorkTypeListOutput GetWorkTypeList()
            var workTypes = _workTypeRepository.GetAll().ToList();
            var workTypeList = new GetWorkTypeListOutput()
                WorkTypes = Mapper.Map>(workTypes) 

            return workTypeList;

When I call the web api through the angular service defined above, the returned data is undefined! I can see that it hit the web API though. I am pretty sure I am making a mistake in line below within the controller, but do not know how to fix it:

var data = workTypeService.loadWorkTypes();

If I call the Web API directly from the controller it will work fine. but I need to call it through a service/factory.

4 Answer(s)
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    finallyfreeguy created

    Try data.result instead of data.workTypes in success event.

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    zokho created

    that did not work!

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    komunamu created

    Hello zokho,

    I have the same problem. API call is working from Angular Controller but it does not work from Angular Service. Did you solve the problem?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    You need to design your service method something like in this example.
    <a class="postlink" href="$q">$q</a>

    You cannot use return value directly like that.