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Inject service to HangFire Job #1455

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phoenix created

Good day,

I would like to inject a service to HangFire job. How to properly do it ? I have following code: Global.asax:

_container = new WindsorContainer();
JobActivator.Current = new WindsorJobActivator(_container.Kernel);

My JobBundle config:

WindsorContainer con = new WindsorContainer();
ImagesImportJob job = new ImagesImportJob(con.Resolve<ListingImageAppService>());
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate("JobId", () => job.ImportImages(), Cron.Daily);

And my HangFire Job:

public class ImagesImportJob
   private readonly ListingImageAppService _srv;
   public ImagesImportJob(ListingImageAppService srv)  { _srv = srv; }
   public void ImportImages()

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Why don't you derive your ImagesImportJob from ITransientDependecy and inject it to class you use it. In that way you can incject onter services into ImagesImportJob.

    You can see a similar example here <a class="postlink" href=""> ... nd-Workers</a>