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unit test in custom module #1529

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andry3ag created


I try to run create unit test for a custom service that inherited from IApplicationService class with permission restrictions.

Here is the steps that I took:

public static class CalendarPermission {
        public const string ListEntry = "Administration.CalendarManagement.ListEntry";

    public class CalendarAuthorizationProvider : AuthorizationProvider
        public override void SetPermissions(IPermissionDefinitionContext context)
            var administration = context.CreatePermission("Administration");

            var calendarManagement = administration.CreateChildPermission("Administration.CalendarManagement");
            calendarManagement.CreateChildPermission(CalendarPermission.CreateEntry, null, true, null, MultiTenancySides.Tenant);
   public class CalenderModule : AbpModule
        public override void PreInitialize() {
        public override void Initialize()

 public interface ICalendarService : IApplicationService
        Task<ListResultOutput<CalendarItemDto>> GetListForCurrentUser(DateTime minDate, DateTime maxDate);
   public class CalendarService : ICalendarService {
        private readonly IRepository<CalenderItem> calenderRepository;

        public async Task<ListResultOutput<CalendarItemDto>> GetListForCurrentUser(DateTime minDate, DateTime maxDate) { ...}

in the unit test, I do the following:

public class CalendarItem_Tests : AppTestBase {
     private ICalendarService calendarService;

     protected override void AddModules(ITypeList<AbpModule> modules) {
       public CalendarItem_Tests() {
            calendarService = Resolve<ICalendarService>();
        public async void Test_GetCalendarItems()
           await calendarService.GetListForCurrentUser(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue);

Below are the error messages:

Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException Required permissions are not granted. At least one of these permissions must be granted: Administration.CalendarManagement.ListEntry at Abp.Authorization.PermissionCheckerExtensions.<AuthorizeAsync>d__12.MoveNext() in D:\Halil\GitHub\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Authorization\PermissionCheckerExtensions.cs:line 258 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

It seems that the PermissionFinder.GetAllPermissions in the TenantRoleAndUserBuilder class is not getting the permission Administration.CalendarManagement.ListEntry.

Much appreciated for any help!


1 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    andry3ag created

    I got it.

    1. you have to initialize the PermissionFinder properly as the following: PermissionFinder.GetAllPermissions(new AppAuthorizationProvider(false), new CalendarAuthorizationProvider()) since it won't pick up from the module PreInitialize method.
    2. login as tenant admin instead of hostadmin LoginAsDefaultTenantAdmin()

