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User related entities and navigation needs in User entity. #1729

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sayram created

Using FullAuditedEntity<long, User> provides Creator id. This is not actually a releationship. To store creator id if we use FullAuditedEntity we lost the Navigation in User entity. This confuses me.


public class Post : FullAuditedEntity<long, User> { .. }

We can access to Post's create Id. (Not name or others) Well, what if i want to get User's posts? There will be no Posts navigation in User entity. Do i have to query with creator id? Is this?

3 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    If you derive from FullAuditedEntity<long, User> you should be able to access CreatorUser, does it not work for you ? You can include it in your linQ queries like this.

    _postRepository.GetAll().Include().Include(p => p.CreatorUser);

    or for a single entity you can use it like this


    if you want to access Posts of a user, you need to add a navigation property to User entity. in order to do that, you need to extend your User entity. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g-Entities</a>

    But in my opinion, don't do that, just query posts with creatorUserId=[someUserId],

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    sayram created

    <cite>ismcagdas: </cite>

    But in my opinion, don't do that, just query posts with creatorUserId=[someUserId],

    Why? Is it about performance or something else?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    No it's not related to performance actually. Almost all entities in most systems has a reference to User entity because of CreatorUserId or a similar field.

    If you follow this method (adding a navigation property for Posts to User), your User entity will have lots of navigation properties. I think this is not good practice.

    But it's your choice anyway :)