paddyfink created
Hello Halil,
I'm also affected by this issue with ef.dynamicfilter <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/jcachat/EntityFramework.DynamicFilters/issues/76">https://github.com/jcachat/EntityFramew ... /issues/76</a>. I had no choice than to downgrade to EF.dynamicfilter 1.4. But it force to downgrade also abp.entityframework to version 0.11.2.
But it doesn't seems to work. There is a way to use the abp v 1.0 with ef.dynamicfilter 1.4 or should I downgrade all my solution to abp 0.11.2?
1 Answer(s)
Can you create an issue in Abp Github repository and we consider to downgrade in the next version.