Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "paddyfink"



I solved it by empty the cache.

Hello Halil,

I'm also affected by this issue with ef.dynamicfilter <a class="postlink" href=""> ... /issues/76</a>. I had no choice than to downgrade to EF.dynamicfilter 1.4. But it force to downgrade also abp.entityframework to version 0.11.2.

But it doesn't seems to work. There is a way to use the abp v 1.0 with ef.dynamicfilter 1.4 or should I downgrade all my solution to abp 0.11.2?


You can check those:

  • CKEditor
  • TinyMCE
  • Kendo ui text editor

All of them support file uplodading. Currently I'm using CKEditor but I plan to switch to TinyMCe because they natively support uploading to azure storage via a plugin


in the release description of abp v0.9.00 there is this section :

Notification System
Notification system has effected from multitenancy changes. We introduced a new entity, TenantNotificationInfo, to distribute notifications to tenant users. Also changed existing entities a little to support separated database approach. See Module Zero section below for details on database migrations.

But I can't find any detail in the documentation. It's possible to have more description on that? does it allow to send a notification to all tenant's users without having them to subscribe first?



I implemented a feature like that. Basically this is it what I do. I use Stripe as the payment Gateway.

Let say you have 2 plans : Basic and Premium. Each plan correspond to an Edition in my application and in stripe. I implemented a custom Edition class and I add a property for the price. I've created an eventhandler on Edition Creation. So each time I create a Edition, I create a plan in stripe with the same Id and the Same name and the same price . Then you have to build a interface for the users to choose a stripe plan and subscribe to it. When a user subscribe, since the Id are the same, you get the corresponding Edition and you add the tenant to that Edition.

Of course you have to configure your edition to have the desired features.

Let me know if you need more info



I've created a separate web api project to provide public web serices to our clients. I have thoses services auto generated: AbpCache, AbpServiceProxies and ServiceProxies.

How can I disable to generation of those endpoints? I don't want them to appear on the API documentation (like swagger).


hey guys, happy to see that i'm not the only one to embrace the movement.

I've started also to migrate my application to typescript. Actually I am completly changing the architecture by restructuring it into set of components (like here : <a class="postlink" href=""></a>) and removing the use of $scope, directives and controllers

I'm using this method to create my components in typescript : <a class="postlink" href=""> ... typescript</a>.

I use also typelite to automatically generate typescript interface from my Application Dtos : <a class="postlink" href=""></a>. The next step will be to use that to generate also appliations services in typescript, so that the application backend will always match the front end.

@Halil, I know you are working on porting abp to angular 2, but i think it will a good idea to change first the architecture of the current version by using components and typescript to make it angular 2 ready and facilitate the migration.


@adevell, here is a good article that could help you : <a class="postlink" href=""> ... pi-2-owin/</a>

It's because ABP wrap json into a specific format. This might help you : #370@f1d4b2e2-93ef-48a1-aeae-a20aa6cb9fc6

A exemple of one of my implementation with angular :

Html :

<select class="" name="Tags" kendo-multi-select k-options="vm.selectOptions" k-ng-model="vm.tagfilter" k-on-change="changeTagFilter()"></select>

Javascript :

vm.selectOptions = {
                dataTextField: "title",
                autoBind: false,
                dataValueField: "id",
                filter: "contains",
                dataSource: {
                    type: "json",
                    "transport": {
                        read: {
                            url: "/api/services/app/tag/getTags"
                    schema: {
                        data: "result"


I've implemented something like that to send email with attachment. this is my DTO :

public class AttachmentDto : EntityDto<long>
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Content { get; set; }
        public string ContentType { get; set; }
        public int ContentLength { get; set; }

But in order to convert my file into string, I've created a controller that receive the file, convert it into string and send the string back. Then I call my application service with the string. The controller looks like this :

public async virtual Task<JsonResult> AddAttachment()
                //Check input
                if (Request.Files.Count <= 0 || Request.Files[0] == null)
                    throw new UserFriendlyException(L("ProfilePicture_Change_Error"));

                var file = Request.Files[0];

                // todo : put the limit in the settings
                if (file.ContentLength > 5242880) //Mg.
                    throw new UserFriendlyException(L("EmailAttachmentSizeLimit"));

                MemoryStream target = new MemoryStream();
                byte[] data = target.ToArray();
                string base64String = System.Convert.ToBase64String(data, 0, data.Length);

                //Return success
                return Json(new MvcAjaxResponse(new AttachmentModel
                    Content = base64String,
            catch (UserFriendlyException ex)
                //Return error message
                return Json(new MvcAjaxResponse(new ErrorInfo(ex.Message)));


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