I want create MPA for admin site to use Metronic theme and SPA for client site using angular 2. How can I do it with ASP.Net Zero?
3 Answer(s)
First of all, we are currently working on Angular2 UI. It's hard to say an exact date, but hopefull we'll finish it in late December.
I didn't understand your question well. If you will do admin site MPA, where will you use angular2?
Our home page and customer's page will use angular 2 with other theme.
You have to create a new angular2 application for your home page and customers page. AspNet Zero does not offer anything for now. We are developing angular2 version but it will be focused on the admin site.
You can use angular-cli for creating a new angular2 project <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/">https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/</a>. (But it's still in beta :)) If you want to use AspNet Zero's AppService methods from angular2, it is a different issue.