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want to create a advanced search like one in user #1925

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avanekar02 created


i want to create a advanced search like the one in users but i donot undeerstand what the <div class="form-group"> <role-combo selected-role="vm.requestParams.type" empty-text="@L("FilterByType")"></role-combo> </div>

where is the data loaded for this and where is the tag <role-combo defined, can you point me to a example

i want to create a advanced search for type Live or Recorded which comes from a table

thanks Anwar

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    The <role-combo> is an angular directive which is defined in App\common\directives\roleCombo.js file. It also has roleCombo.cshtml file related to it. You can check those two files in order to create your own directive.