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Migrate.exe / Migrator.exe - where is it? #1953

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alukaszewski created

Where do I find the Migrator.exe console utility? Our project is based on ASPNETZERO - is the console tool in this version? Is using the migrator.exe the recommended way that we would build a new database during the deployment routine which will install our product into a customer environment?


2 Answer(s)
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    alukaszewski created

    Aha, OK, so I found out the Migrator.exe tool came about in a later version;

    V1.10.0 (2016-05-10) Created a Migrator tool (exe) to easily migrate host and tenant databases.

    I do not have the time at the moment to look at upgrading my whole project to the latest version of ASPNETZERO, is there a DB create script or something available? I see in the EntityFramework there is a set of files for InitialCreate.cs and migrations - will I simply be able to mimic the actions in these various .cs files in my own SQLDB creation script or use them somehow to create my own C# console application which does this? If I downloaded latest version of ASPNETZERO, would I be able to use the Migrator.exe tool to create a DB which is compatible with v1.6.1?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    If you download the latest version of AspNet Zero, the migration tool might not work for you but you can create a similar project if it does not work for you. Here is the code for migrator tool <a class="postlink" href=""> ... e.Migrator</a>